Anthropology Publications
The Department of Anthropology is divided into three major research areas: Sociocultural Anthropology, Archaeology and Bioarchaeology, and Linguistic Anthropology. The faculty includes members who carry out research in all of the main areas of anthropology from sociocultural to archaeology to biological to linguistics.
Visit the Department of Anthropology Research website for additional information.
Submissions from 2024
“I get asked that all the time”: Confronting Polite, White Canadians and the Politics of Belonging in Obligatory Interrogations, Karen E. Pennesi
Submissions from 2021
What Does a Pandemic Sound Like? The Emergence of COVID Verbal Art, Karen E. Pennesi
Improving Networking Supports for Women in the Workplace, Karen E. Pennesi, Javier Alvarez Vandeputte, Zsofia Agoston, and Rawand Amsdr
Submissions from 2020
Life, Death and Burial Practices during the Inca Occupation of Farfán on Peru's North Coast, Carol J. Mackey and Andrew J. Nelson
Understanding Global Change: From Documentation and Collaboration to Social Transformation, Karen E. Pennesi
Improving Supports for Diverse Women Entering Executive Roles, Karen E. Pennesi, Ibtesum Afrin, Fattimah Hamam, Badarinarayan Maharaj, Raisa Masud, Luis Meléndez, Natalia Parra, and Ashley Piskor
An Investigation of Micro-CT Analysis of Bone as a New Diagnostic Method for Paleopathological Cases of Osteomalacia, H. Welsh, Andrew J. Nelson, A. E. van der Merwe, H.H. de Boer, and M. B. Brickley
Submissions from 2019
Differential Responses to Constraints on Naming Agency among Indigenous Peoples and Immigrants in Canada, Karen E. Pennesi
Submissions from 2018
The Endangered Species List: Counting Lemurs in Madagascar, Ian C. Colquhoun
Submissions from 2017
Universal Design for Belonging: Living and Working with Diverse Personal Names, Karen E. Pennesi
Submissions from 2016
'They can learn to say my name': Redistributing Responsibility for Integrating Immigrants to Canada, Karen E. Pennesi
Submissions from 2015
Constructing ‘Farmer’ and ‘State’ Identities in Moral Discourses about Semi-subsistence Agriculture in North-east Brazil, Karen E. Pennesi
Perspectivas Culturais na Comunicação Climática (Cultural Perspectives on Climate Communication), Karen E. Pennesi
Dietary Flexibility and Feeding Strategies of Eulemur: A Comparison with Propithecus, Hiroki Sato, Luca Santini, Erik R. Patel, Marco Campara, Nayuta Yamashita, Ian C. Colquhoun, and Giuseppe Donati
Submissions from 2014
New Action Plan to Save Madagascar’s At-Risk Lemurs, Ian C. Colquhoun
A Statistical Investigation of Nonmetric Vertebral Traits with a Skeletal Population Sample from the Dakhleh Oasis, Tiffany A. Sarfo
Averting Lemur Extinctions amid Madagascar's Political Crisis, Christoph Schwitzer, Russell Mittermeier, Steig Johnson, Giuseppe Donati, Mitchell Irwin, Heather Peacock, Jonah Ratsimbazafy, Josia Razafindramanana, Edward E. Louis, Lounes Chikhi, Ian C. Colquhoun, Jennifer Tinsman, Ranier Dolch, Marni LaFleur, Stephen Nash, Erik Patel, Blanchard Randrianambinina, Tove Rasolofoharivelo, and Patricia C. Wright
Submissions from 2013
'Deviant' Burials in Archaeology, Jesslyn E. Hodgson
Submissions from 2011
A Review and Interspecific Comparison of Nocturnal and Cathemeral Strepsirhine Primate Olfactory Behavioural Ecology, Ian C. Colquhoun
A Synthetic Radiological Study of Brain Treatment in Ancient Egyptian Mummies, Andrew D. Wade, Andrew J. Nelson, and Greg J. Garvin
Submissions from 2010
Foreword, Andrew J. Nelson
Submissions from 2009
Análisis osteológico de los entierros del Palacio Ñain–An (ex-Bandelier), Andrew J. Nelson
Landscape Bioarchaeology at Pacatnamu, Peru: Inferring Mobility from δ13C and δ15N Values of Hair, Christine D. White, Andrew J. Nelson, Fred J. Longstaffe, G. Grupe, and A. Jung
Submissions from 2008
The Lady Hudson Project, P. Beauchesne, Ian Colquhoun, A. Cross, Fred Longstaffe, L. Marciano, Jessica Metcalfe, Andrew J. Nelson, A. Pawlowski, S. Wheeler, Christine D. White, and L. Williams
Body Segment Differences in Surface Area, Skin Temperature and 3D Displacement and the Estimation of Heat Balance during Locomotion in Hominins, Alan Cross, Mark Collard, and Andrew Nelson