Anthropology Publications | Anthropology Department | Western University

Anthropology Publications


The Department of Anthropology is divided into three major research areas: Sociocultural Anthropology, Archaeology and Bioarchaeology, and Linguistic Anthropology. The faculty includes members who carry out research in all of the main areas of anthropology from sociocultural to archaeology to biological to linguistics.

Visit the Department of Anthropology Research website for additional information.


Submissions from 2008


Frontiers in Assessing the Role of Chemical Speciation and Natural Attenuation on the Bioavailability of Contaminants in the Terrestrial Environment, A. R. Gerson, C. Anasasio, S. Crowe, D. Fowle, B. Guo, I. Kennedy, E. Lombi, P. S. Nico, M. A. Marcus, Ronald R. Martin, Steven J. Naftel, Andrew J. Nelson, D. Paktunc, J. A. Roberts, C. G. Weisener, and M. L. Werner

Radiographic and Endoscopic Evaluation of Methodological Variations and Cranial Vault Developmental Anomalies among Peruvian Subadult Mummies and Skeletal Material Exhibiting Cultural Cranial Modification, S. Guillen, Andrew Nelson, G. Conlogue, and R. Beckett

Preliminary Report on the Radiographic Analysis of Three Egyptian Mummies, Andrew J. Nelson

Preliminary Report on the Radiological Examination of Hetep Bastet, Andrew J. Nelson

Report on Autopsy AC08-189, Andrew J. Nelson and Michael W. Spence

Submissions from 2007

Anti-Predator Strategies of Cathemeral Primates: Dealing with Predators of the Day and the Night, Ian C. Colquhoun


Preliminary Investigation of Element Distribution in the Cementum Rings of Human Teeth Using Time of Flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy, Ronald R. Martin, A. Arnold, Andrew Nelson, and J. Francis


Metal Distributions in the Cementum Rings of Human Teeth: Possible Depositional Chronologies and Diagenesis, Ronald R. Martin, Steven J. Naftel, Andrew J. Nelson, A. B. Feilen, and A. Narvaez


Comparison of the Distributions of Bromine, Lead, and Zinc in Tooth and Bone from an Ancient Peruvian Burial Site by X-ray Fluorescence, Ronald R. Martin, Steven J. Naftel, Andrew J. Nelson, and William D. Sapp III

Submissions from 2006

Predation and cathemerality. Comparing the impact of predators on the activity patterns of lemurids and ceboids., Ian C. Colquhoun

Submissions from 2005


Comment, on Sutter & Cortez, 2005, The Origins and Roles of the Moche (AD 1-750) Human Sacrificial Victims: A Bio-archaeological Perspective, Andrew J. Nelson

Le Moustier 1 and the Interpretation of Stages in Neandertal Growth and Development, Andrew J. Nelson and J. L. Thompson

Estimated Age at Death and Sex of Le Moustier 1, J. L. Thompson and Andrew J. Nelson

The Postcranial Skeleton of Le Moustier 1, J. L. Thompson and Andrew J. Nelson

Submissions from 2004


The Application of Radiography to Field Studies in Physical Anthropology, Gerald Conlogue, Andrew J. Nelson, and Sonia Guillén


Paleoradiology in Mummy Studies: The Sulman Mummy Project, Janet C. Gardner, Greg Garvin, Andrew J. Nelson, Gian Vascotto, and Gerald Conlogue


ARCHAEO-SCAN: Portable 3D Shape Measurement System for Archaeological Field Work, George K. Knopf and Andrew J. Nelson


Synchrotron X-ray Fluorescence and Trace Metals in the Cementum Rings of Human Teeth, Ronald R. Martin, Steven J. Naftel, Andrew J. Nelson, Andrea B. Feilen, and Alfredo Narvaez


Comment, on Shimada et al. 2004, An Integrated Analysis of Pre-hispanic Mortuary Practices: A Middle Sican Case Study, Andrew J. Nelson

Submissions from 2003


Time-of-flight Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Hair from Archaeological Remains, I. M. Kempson, W. M. Skinner, P. K. Kirkbride, Andrew J. Nelson, and Ronald R. Martin

Introduction, Gail E. Krovitz, Andrew J. Nelson, and J. L. Thompson

Hominid Growth and Development from Australopithecines to Middle Pleistocene Homo, Gail E. Krovitz, J. L. Thompson, and Andrew J. Nelson

Hominid Growth and Development in Upper Pleistocene Homo, Andrew J. Nelson, Gail E. Krovitz, and J. L. Thompson

In Search of the Ancient Peruvians: The Pacasmayo Museum Project, Andrew J. Nelson and Chris Nelson

Conclusions: Putting It All Together, Andrew J. Nelson, J. L. Thompson, and Gail E. Krovitz