Anthropology Publications
Life, Death and Burial Practices during the Inca Occupation of Farfán on Peru's North Coast
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Andean Past Special Publications
This is a report on Inca burials excavated at the site of Farfán on Peru’s North Coast. Farfán was excavated by Carol J. Mackey from 1999 until 2004. Bioarchaeologist Andrew J. Nelson analyzed the human remains recovered. An important provincial center, Farfán was occupied successively by the Lambayeque, Chimu, and Inca cultures. This monograph postulates that female Inca burials at Farfán were those of aqlla, the “chosen women”, virgins who played important roles variously as weavers of fine cloth and brewers of chicha, as high status brides of important men, as religious officiants, and as the victims of human sacrifices. Farfán is one of only three sites where aqlla burials have been scientifically excavated. Tomb architecture is revealed and grave goods are illustrated and analyzed. Included is a complete inventory of ceramics recovered and analyses of textiles and camelid bones, as well as isotopic studies.
Citation of this paper:
Mackey, Carol J. and Nelson, Andrew J., "Life, Death and Burial Practices during the Inca Occupation of Farfán on Peru's North Coast" (2020). Andean Past Special Publications. 6.
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