London, Ontario
Start Date
16-11-2021 3:30 PM
End Date
16-11-2021 4:30 PM
Topographic anomalies identified in 1950's aerial photography along the Ionian Coast of southern Italy suggest systematic separation of space surrounding the ancient Greek settlement of Metaponto. Are these proof of property delineation in the countryside, systems of travel, or entirely natural? Using least cost path, we connect ancient farmsteads with local sanctuaries, revealing overlap with the anomalous "division lines," suggesting that they functioned (at least in part) as communication throughout the countryside.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
Mapping Farmstead-Sanctuary Connectivity using Least Cost Path, Lightning Talk (7 min)
London, Ontario
Topographic anomalies identified in 1950's aerial photography along the Ionian Coast of southern Italy suggest systematic separation of space surrounding the ancient Greek settlement of Metaponto. Are these proof of property delineation in the countryside, systems of travel, or entirely natural? Using least cost path, we connect ancient farmsteads with local sanctuaries, revealing overlap with the anomalous "division lines," suggesting that they functioned (at least in part) as communication throughout the countryside.
SRT file available upon request, contact the GIS team via https://guides.lib.uwo.ca/gis/support.