Proposal Title

Content. While we go bigger and beyonder, who holds down the fort for us? A perspective on modeling curricula to promote maintenance and strategic enhancement.

Session Type

Reflective Practice


FNB 2220

Start Date

5-7-2019 2:15 PM


Content, Skills, Curriculum, Learning Outcomes, Program level learning outcomes, Higher Order Skills, Discipline -specific & -independent skills, Transferrable skills

Primary Threads



As reflected by a growing consensus within the education community, content can only take our students so far (Deller et al., 2015). We now aim for discipline-specific as well discipline-independent higher order and transferable outcomes that promise to serve our students and scientific community bigger and better. While we renovate our courses and curricula to achieve these goals, how do we maintain curricular infrastructural integrity? How to implement these improvements in a manner that sustains curricular quality assurance, accountability, accessibility, and strategic spending?
This session shares and reflects on a curricular modeling perspective that can hold down our curricular fort while we aim bigger and beyonder. It emphasizes international effort promoting the development of program-level learning outcomes (PLLOs) at the post secondary education level (Goff et al., 2015). It also extends the PLLO model to embrace discipline-specific and –independent higher order and transferable outcomes so that curricula can evolve nationally and internationally in a calculated and grounded manner.

Deller, F., Brumwell , S., and MacFarlane, A. (2015). The Language of Learning Outcomes: Definitions and Assessments (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario).

Goff, L., Potter, M.K., Pierre, E., Carey, T., Gullage, A., Kustra, E., Lee, R., Lopes, V., Marshall, L., Martin, L., et al. (2015). Learning Outcomes Assessment: A practitioner's Handbook (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO)).

Elements of Engagement

Mini simulation of curricular redesign
- to prime the audience in self-identifying the paradigm of the session, that way they connect better with the issue at hand.
- to encourage individual participation for identifying problems/solutions

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

This document is currently not available here.


Jul 5th, 2:15 PM

Content. While we go bigger and beyonder, who holds down the fort for us? A perspective on modeling curricula to promote maintenance and strategic enhancement.

FNB 2220

As reflected by a growing consensus within the education community, content can only take our students so far (Deller et al., 2015). We now aim for discipline-specific as well discipline-independent higher order and transferable outcomes that promise to serve our students and scientific community bigger and better. While we renovate our courses and curricula to achieve these goals, how do we maintain curricular infrastructural integrity? How to implement these improvements in a manner that sustains curricular quality assurance, accountability, accessibility, and strategic spending?
This session shares and reflects on a curricular modeling perspective that can hold down our curricular fort while we aim bigger and beyonder. It emphasizes international effort promoting the development of program-level learning outcomes (PLLOs) at the post secondary education level (Goff et al., 2015). It also extends the PLLO model to embrace discipline-specific and –independent higher order and transferable outcomes so that curricula can evolve nationally and internationally in a calculated and grounded manner.

Deller, F., Brumwell , S., and MacFarlane, A. (2015). The Language of Learning Outcomes: Definitions and Assessments (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario).

Goff, L., Potter, M.K., Pierre, E., Carey, T., Gullage, A., Kustra, E., Lee, R., Lopes, V., Marshall, L., Martin, L., et al. (2015). Learning Outcomes Assessment: A practitioner's Handbook (Higher Education Quality Council of Ontario (HEQCO)).