Social Science
Supervisor Name
Dr. Jessica Grahn
music, psychology, mood, rumination, depression, thought content, music listening
Working with Dr. Jessica Grahn and Dr. Elizabeth Kinghorn, as part of my USRI I am working on developing a new study to be run throughout the Fall both online and in-person, looking at thought content during musical listening. The following video provides a brief overview of our study rationale and design - please note that we will also be conducting a version of this study using a mood induction (using an autobiographical memory paradigm).
I would like to thank Dr. Jessica Grahn, Dr. Elizabeth Kinghorn, and the entire Grahn Lab for their support and guidance over the past 4 months!
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 License.
Document Type
Thought content during music listening
Working with Dr. Jessica Grahn and Dr. Elizabeth Kinghorn, as part of my USRI I am working on developing a new study to be run throughout the Fall both online and in-person, looking at thought content during musical listening. The following video provides a brief overview of our study rationale and design - please note that we will also be conducting a version of this study using a mood induction (using an autobiographical memory paradigm).