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The goal of our project was to map the City of London Plan to the UN’s Sustainability and Development Goals. An aim of the project was to present the contents in the City of London Plan in a more understandable and accessible way for London citizens and city counsellors to be able to engage with. Another aim was to measure the similarities and discrepancies of the London Plan and the UNs SDGs in a quantifiable way that could be easily examined by the city when creating future city plans. Our deliverables were a 1-minute video pitch, an excel spreadsheet that maps the items in the London Plan to the SDGs, and infographics showcasing key results. A table of contents was created highlighting the sections of the London Plan that we covered including city building policies, rural place types and city-wide place types. We found that the three most aligned SDGs were Goal 9 industry innovation and infrastructure, Goal 11, sustainable cities and communities and Goal 13 climate action. The most common targets were 9.4, 9.1, 11.2, 11.2, 11.3 and 13.2. The least aligned were Gender equality, Life below water and Partnerships for the goals. We found that a lot of targets in the UN SDGs that were least used were designed for developing countries. The impacts of our project included making the city of London Plan more accessible to London citizens so they can be more informed of what the city is working on. The mapping of the London Plan to the UN SDGs helps create more long-term goals as the London Plan is contextualized to the goals of the SDGs which are set to 2030.
