SASAH 4th Year Capstone and Other Projects: Publications

Document Type


Publication Date

Spring 4-5-2024


I was a Filmmaker Marketing Concierge for the Forest City Film Festival (FCFF) in London, Ontario, a festival that celebrates films with connections to Southwestern Ontario. Seven weeks into this internship I began another position as a Social Media Intern with STEAM Education Centre, a charity located in St. Thomas, Ontario, dedicated to educating and empowering learners through play and innovation. This unique overlap of positions hurled me into a fast-paced environment where I had to prioritize a number of dissimilar tasks and get comfortable with feeling imposter syndrome. Throughout my experiential learning, I learned an incredible amount about communication, both interpersonally and in a marketing lens. Overall, the non-profit arts field is an incredibly fulfilling and welcoming space to be in and I recommend it to prospective interns!


This report was submitted in the student's fourth year of study as part of the final assignment for SASAH's Experiential Learning requirement.
