SASAH 4th Year Capstone and Other Projects: Publications

Impressive PR Internship: Final Report

Document Type


Publication Date

Fall 2021


In this report, Evalyn Watson discusses her summer 2021 remote internship with a UK public relations firm, Impressive PR. She details the tasks and projects she worked on, her experiences building relationships in the workplace, the ways in which she was able to identify transferable skills and the confidence she gained as a young professional. Evalyn reflects on the benefits of her time with Impressive PR and how fulfilling her Experiential Learning credit with SASAH has prepared her for her future in the professional world.


This report was submitted in conjunction with a live presentation, which occurred via Zoom on November 26, 2021, is posted on the Experiential Learning page of SASAH’s website, as the final assignment for SASAH's Experiential Learning requirement.

This document is currently not available here.
