Event Title
Start Date
15-10-2009 8:30 AM
End Date
15-10-2009 9:00 AM
Roderic Beaujot is Professor of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario, Academic Director of the UWO Research Data Centre, and leader the SSHRC Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Population Change and Lifecourse. He holds a PhD from University of Alberta (1975). For 1974-76 he was employed with the Demography Division at Statistics Canada, and has been at University of Western Ontario since 1976. His most noteworthy publications are Population Change in Canada (Oxford University Press, 2004, second edition with Don Kerr) and Earning and Caring in Canadian Families (Broadview, 2000). Most recently, he was the lead author of “Population change in Canada to 2017 and beyond: The challenges of policy adaptation” published in Horizons (December 2007) and he presented “Low fertility lite in Canada: The Nordic model in Quebec and the U.S. model in Alberta” at the 2009 meetings of the Population Association of America.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Roderic Beaujot is Professor of Sociology at the University of Western Ontario, Academic Director of the UWO Research Data Centre, and leader the SSHRC Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Population Change and Lifecourse. He holds a PhD from University of Alberta (1975). For 1974-76 he was employed with the Demography Division at Statistics Canada, and has been at University of Western Ontario since 1976. His most noteworthy publications are Population Change in Canada (Oxford University Press, 2004, second edition with Don Kerr) and Earning and Caring in Canadian Families (Broadview, 2000). Most recently, he was the lead author of “Population change in Canada to 2017 and beyond: The challenges of policy adaptation” published in Horizons (December 2007) and he presented “Low fertility lite in Canada: The Nordic model in Quebec and the U.S. model in Alberta” at the 2009 meetings of the Population Association of America.