Psychology Publications | Psychology Department | Western University

Psychology Publications


The Psychology Department at Western has over 50 faculty members representing four Clusters of Research Excellence. Our faculty work with talented graduate and post-graduate students on cutting-edge questions about human and animal behavior. Undergraduate students in Psychology often participate in these exciting research programs. Clinical Science and Psychopathology (CSP) Cognitive, Developmental, and Brain Sciences (CDB) Industrial/Organizational Psychology (I/O) Social, Personality and Developmental Psychology (SPDP).

Visit the Department of Psychology website for additional information.


Submissions from 2013


The science–practice gap and employee engagement: It’s a matter of principle, John P. Meyer


Computational Grounded Cognition: A New Alliance between Grounded Cognition and Computational Modeling, Giovanni Pezzulo, Lawrence W. Barsalou, Angelo Cangelosi, Martin H. Fischer, Ken McRae, and Michael J. Spivey

Submissions from 2012


Core Beliefs, Self-Perception, and Cognitive Organization in Depressed Adolescents, David J. A. Dozois, Julie A. Eichstedt, Kerry A. Collins, Elizabeth Pheonix, and Kimberley Harris


Leadership, commitment, and culture: A meta-analysis, Timothy A. Jackson, John P. Meyer, and Xiao-Hua (Frank) Wang


Integrating Words That Refer to Typical Sequences of Events, Saman Khalkhali, Jeffrey Wammes, and Ken McRae


Predictors of New Graduate Nurses' Workplace Well-being: Testing the Job Demands-resources Model, Heather K. Spence Laschinger, Ashley L. Grau, Joan Finegan, and Piotr Wilk


Cognitive Organization, Perceptions of Parenting and Depression Symptoms in Early Adolescence, M. N. Lumley, David J. A. Dozois, K. H. Hennig, and A. Marsh


Semantic and Associative Relations in Adolescents and Young Adults: Examining a Tenuous Dichotomy, Ken McRae, Saman Khalkhali, and Mary Hare


Generalized Event Knowledge Activation During Online Language Comprehension, Ross Metusalem, Marta Kutas, Mary Hare, Ken McRae, and Jeffrey L. Elman


Generalized Event Knowledge Activation During Online Sentence Comprehension, Ross Metusalem, Marta Kutas, Thomas P. Urbach, Mary Hare, Ken McRae, and Jeffrey L. Elman


The General Factor of Personality: A Critical Test, Livia Veselka, Caroline Just, Kerry L. Jang, Andrew M. Johnson, and Philip A. Vernon

Submissions from 2011


Why Clowns Taste Funny: The Relationship between Humor and Semantic Ambiguity, Tristan A. Bekinschtein, Matthew H. Davis, Jennifer M. Rodd, and Adrian M. Owen


Asymmetries in Motor Attention during a Cued Bimanual Reaching Task: Left and Right Handers Compared, Gavin Buckingham, Julie C. Main, and David P. Carey


The Material-weight Illusion Induced by Expectations Alone, Gavin Buckingham, Nathalie S. Ranger, and Melvyn A. Goodale


The Role of Vision in Detecting and Correcting Fingertip Force Errors during Object Lifting, Gavin Buckingham, Nathalie S. Ranger, and Melvyn A. Goodale


False Recall in the Deese–Roediger–Mcdermott Paradigm: The Roles of Gist and Associative Strength, David R. Cann, Ken McRae, and Albert N. Katz


Measuring Cognitive Errors: Initial Development of the Cognitive Distortions Scale (CDS), Roger Covin, David J. A. Dozois, Avital Ogniewicz, and Pamela M. Seeds


Bedside Detection of Awareness in the Vegetative State: A Cohort Study, Damian Cruse, Srivas Chennu, Camille Chatelle, Tristan A. Bekinschtein, Davinia Fernández-Espejo, John D. Pickard, Steven Laureys, and Adrian M. Owen


An integrative model of excessive reassurance seeking and negative feedback seeking in the development and maintenance of depression., Lyndsay E Evraire and David J A Dozois


Neuroimaging social emotional processing in women: fMRI study of script-driven imagery., Paul A Frewen, David J A Dozois, Richard W J Neufeld, Maria Densmore, Todd K Stevens, and Ruth A Lanius


Decoding Action Intentions from Preparatory Brain Activity in Human Parieto-frontal Networks, Jason P. Gallivan, D. Adam McLean, Kenneth F. Valyear, Charles E. Pettypiece, and Jody C. Culham


In Vivo Dynamics of the Musculoskeletal System Cannot Be Adequately Described Using a Stiffness-Damping-Inertia Model, Dinant A. Kistemaker and Leonard A. Rozendaal


Situational and Dispositional Influences on Nurses' Workplace Well-being: The Role of Empowering Unit Leadership, Heather K. Spence Laschinger, Joan Finegan, and Piotr Wilk


Testing a Multi-level Model of Staff Nurse Organizational Commitment, Heather K. Spence Laschinger, Joan Finegan, and Piotr Wilk


Event-Based Plausibility Immediately Influences On-Line Language Comprehension, Kazunaga Matsuki, Mary Hare, Christoph Scheepers, Tracy Chow, Jeffrey L. Elman, and Ken McRae