Psychology Publications


The Psychology Department at Western has over 50 faculty members representing four Clusters of Research Excellence. Our faculty work with talented graduate and post-graduate students on cutting-edge questions about human and animal behavior. Undergraduate students in Psychology often participate in these exciting research programs. Clinical Science and Psychopathology (CSP) Cognitive, Developmental, and Brain Sciences (CDB) Industrial/Organizational Psychology (I/O) Social, Personality and Developmental Psychology (SPDP).

Visit the Department of Psychology website for additional information.


Submissions from 1996


Expressions of the Attachment Relationship Outside of the Strange Situation, David R. Pederson and Greg Moran

Submissions from 1995

A Categorical Description of Infant-mother Relationships in the Home and its Relation to Q-sort Measures of Infant-mother Interaction, David Pederson and Greg Moran

Appendix B. Maternal Behaviour Q-set, David Pederson and Greg Moran

Submissions from 1994


Responsiveness and Dependency Are Different Aspects of Social Contingencies: An Example from Mother and Infant Smiles, Douglas Symons and Greg Moran

Submissions from 1992

Approaches to Sequential Analysis and the Description of Contingency in Behavioral Interaction, G. Moran, J. E. Dumas, and D. K. Symons


Maternal Sensitivity and Infant-Mother Attachment in a Developmentally Delayed Sample, Greg Moran, David R. Pederson, Pat Pettit, and Anne Krupka

Submissions from 1990


Maternal Sensitivity and the Security of Infant-Mother Attachment: A Q-Sort Study, David R. Pederson, Greg Moran, Carolyn Sitko, Kathy Campbell, Kristen Ghesquire, and Heather Acton


Using Personal Computers for Behavioral Coding in Real-Time: The REALTIME and TMERGE Programs, Douglas K. Symons, Heather M. Acton, and Greg Moran

Submissions from 1988


The Efficacy of Hypnosis- and Relaxation-induced Analgesia on Two Dimensions of Pain for Cold Pressor and Electrical Tooth Pulp Stimulation, Manon Houle, Patricia A. McGrath, Greg Moran, and Owen J. Garrett


Attachment Theory, Personality Development, and Psychotherapy, Randolph J. Paterson and Greg Moran


Computing Lag Sequential Statistics on Dyadic Time Interval Data: The TLAG Program, Douglas K. Symons, Richard D. Wright, and Greg Moran

Submissions from 1987


Applied Dimensions of Comparative Psychology, Greg Moran

Dispensing with the "Fashionable Fallacy of Dispensing with Description" in the Study of Wolf Social Behaviour, Greg Moran


The Application of the Science of Animal Behaviour to the Zoo and the Ethics of Keeping Animals in Captivity, Greg Moran


Patterns of Maternal and Infant Imitation during Play, Greg Moran, Anne Krupka, Ann Tutton, and Doug Symons


The Behavioral Dynamics of Mutual Responsiveness in Early Face-to-Face Mother-Infant Interactions, Douglas K. Symons and Greg Moran

Submissions from 1986


The Behaviour of Domestic Animals, Greg Moran

The Unexpected Death of a Child, Greg Moran, T. C. Frewen, and S. Millar


Scent Marking Behavior in a Captive Group of Meerkats (Suricata suricatta), Greg Moran and Linda Sorensen

Submissions from 1985

Behavioural Description and its Impact on Functional Inference, Greg Moran

The Place of Formal Description and Relational Measures in the Study of Social Behaviour and Communication, Greg Moran

Social Communication Behaviour in the Meerkat, Linda Sorensen and Greg Moran

Submissions from 1984

Vigilance Behaviour and Alarm Cells in a Captive Group of Meerkats, Greg Moran


The Behavioral Researcher and the Zoological Park, Greg Moran and Linda Sorensen

Submissions from 1983

A Motility-Immobility Gradient in the Behavior of the "Inferior" Wolf during "Ritualized Fighting", Ilan Golani and Greg Moran