Students enrolled in Psychology 4880 complete independent research under the direction of a faculty member. For undergraduate theses completed prior to 2014 please consult the Catalogue.
Submissions from 2022
The Influence of Environmental Sounds on Cognition and Mood, Huda Ahmed
The Impacts of Researcher Attire on Participant Performance in Psychological Experiments, Jesse S. Basi
Exploring Parent and Peer Support as a Predictor of Adolescent Adjustment During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Madeleine M. MacDonald
Mismatched Music: How Conflicting Musical Information Impacts Emotional Judgements, Matthew W. Tiplady
Mindsets for Goal Attainment and Experiences of Unethical Transgressions, Hallie Wiltzer
Are Conspiracy Beliefs Induced by Thinking Disposition and Economic Uncertainty?, Sean E. Yilmaz
Submissions from 2021
Interactions between Brief Virtual Exposure to Natural Environments and Psychological Well-Being, Giuliana GN Brancato
Values Affirmation in The Treatment of Moral Injury: A Pilot Study, Eve G. Chapnik
To Sing Or To Speak: Closeness Between Mother-Infant Dyads In Different Contexts, Aislinn M. Connor
Examining the role of Diverted Attention on Musical Motion Aftereffects, Hannah D. Cormier
Defining Mother-Infant Synchrony in a Speech and Song Context, Roisin A. Delaney
Social Media as a Predictor of Depression Rates Among Male Versus Female Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Kaylee A. Fishback
Do Social Media Usage and The Endorsement of Collective Values Predict Loneliness?, Caoyu Cy Pan
Submissions from 2020
A Nature Walk a Day, Keeps Unhappiness Away: Restorative Campus Environments and Student Well-Being, Justine Albert
The Relationship Between Extracurricular Activities and the Well-Being of Undergraduate Students, Angelica C. Galluzzo
Evaluating Success in Addictions Treatment, Cole G. Granger
Parental Marital Status and Perceived Parental Marital Stability as Predictors of Avoidant Attachment Style in Young Adult Romantic Relationships, Eden G. C. Jacobson
“Send Me Your Location”: Examining Cyber Dating Abuse Victimization and Self-Esteem in Adolescents, Grace K. Millett
Conformity and Persuasion: The Moderating Roles of Interpersonal Closeness and Interaction Partner Sex, Christianne Morrison
There is More to Snapchat than Snapping: Examining Active and Passive Snapchat Use as Predictors of Anxiety in Adolescents, Nicole A. Orlan
Narcissism and Attachment Anxiety Predicting the Impact of Hiding Instagram “Likes” In Canada, Madeleine T. Visca
Who's to Blame? How Attributions of Blame Impact Perceptions of Effective Leaders, Emily M. Wildeboer
Submissions from 2019
Moral Perceptions in the Workplace, Leonid V. Beletski
A Safe Place for Morally Corrupt Judgements: The Effect of Trust on Moral Decision Making, Robin C. Doyle
"Challenge Accepted": Exploring Predictors of Risky Online Behaviour in Emerging Adults, Shannon Ward
The Role of Extraversion, Sensitivity to Music Reward, and Music Tempo on Word Recall, Mingyang Xu
Submissions from 2018
Examining the Effects of Framing on Probability Discounting, Owen M. Chevalier
The Effects of Aromatherapy on Stress in a University Population, Theresa L. Flagler
The Effects of Fantasy Role-Play on Bravery, Motivation, and Physiological Fear Responses While Playing Horror Video Games, Paul A. Giulietti
Every Other, Every Time - Rat Imitative Pattern Learning, Peter A. Khouri
Me or We? The Effect of Team and Individual Sports Activity on Executive Functioning, Alexander I. McKenzie
Snapchat and its Relationship to Alcohol Consumption and Associated Behaviours, Kellie S. Thomas
The Impact of Age and Social Media Preference on Facebook and Instagram Users Reactions to Social Media, L. E. Taylor Trelford
Submissions from 2017
Cognition and Commerce: The Impact of Intuitive Judgment and Rational Analysis on Business Decisions, Bridget A. Bicknell
The Relationship Between Self Perceived Versus Peer Perceived Popularity and Alcohol Consumption in University Students, Dayna A. Blustein
Improving Workplace Commitment to Change: A Test of Impact Reflection and Motivation on Perceived Commitment Constructs, Trenton J. MacDuff
Attention to Melodic versus Phonetic Cues in 8-Month-Old Infants, Alexandra M. Ryken
The Effects of Interpersonal Relations in the Workplace on Cognitive Performance: Does Working with Irritating People Decrease your Performance?, Kristin Skritek
The Effects of Conformity on Eyewitness Testimony and Confidence, Kaitlyn B. Sluys
Submissions from 2016
Stress Interventions for First-Year Undergraduate Students, Shawna N. Allen
Speech to the Beat: Infants' Processing, Alix Altow
Peer Group Belonging, Group Norms and Alcohol Consumption in Emerging Adulthood, Angelica Bell
The Effects of Video Feedback on Public Speaking Anxiety, Nicole M. Donovan
The Effect of Past Experiences on Forgiveness Intentions in Romantic Relationships, Morgane E. Lashkari-Moghaddam
Effects of Visual and Geometric Cues in Rat Foraging, Kyle Rubini
The Effects of Self-Care Meditation Behaviour on Undergraduate Students’ Reported Stress, Anna Smallwood
Resting State fcMRI in the Social Cognition Network as a Predictive Measure for Scores of Socialization of Preterm Neonates, Angela Westgate
Submissions from 2015
Do Our Perceptions Affect Our Decision Making in Legal Contexts?, Scott Benedict
Infants' Memory for Melody and Words in Sung Songs, Leanna De Lucia
The Effects of Visual Cue Facilitation in Spatial Pattern Learning in Rats, Sachia M. Grogan
Infants' Sensitivity to Fine Durational Cues in Speech Perception, Alyssa K. Kuiack
Rhyming versus Repetition in Children's Stories: The Role of Reading Strategies in New Word Recognition, Katherine Stover
Submissions from 2014
Observational Pattern Learning In Rats, Tristan J. Bell Knowlton
Reach-to-Grasp Actions Under Direct and Indirect Viewing Conditions, Ashley C. Bramwell
The Role of Future Time Perspective on Forgiveness: A Study of Transgressions Among Undergraduate University Students, Emily B. Briggs
The Effects of Arousal Induction on Infants' Tempo Preferences, Erin G. Eisen
The Role of Native Language Acquisition in Infant Preferences of Speech and Song, Emma J. Fogel
Working Memory and Music Perception and Production in an Adult Sample, Keara L. Gillis
Singing Competency and Language Abilities in Children, Rebecca Herbert
The Effect of Mood Context on the Accuracy of Eyewitness Testimony, Ashley R. Lanys
Music-induced mood improves retention in visuomotor adaptation, Kristina Waclawik