Research contained in Philosophy Publications contains studies in epistemology, metaphysics, logic, and ethics, as well as in philosophy of science, feminism, philosophy of mind and language, and applied ethics. All these areas combine to examine philosophy from a historical and global perspective.
Submissions from 1997
Selecting Subjects for Participation in Clinical Research: An Empirical Inquiry and Ethical Analysis, Charles Weijer
The Placebo Effect, Charles Weijer
Bioethics for Clinicians: 10. Research Ethics, Charles Weijer, Bernard Dickens, and Eric M. Meslin
Submissions from 1996
Deadlines and Diversity: Journalism Ethics in a Changing World, Valerie Alia, Brian Brennan, and Barry Hoffmaster
An Essay on Rights, Hillel Steiner, Samantha Brennan
Children's Rights Revisioned: Philosophical Readings, Rosalind Ekman Ladd, Samantha Brennan
Fighting Words: Individuals, Communities, and Liberties of Speech, Kent Greenawalt, Samantha Brennan
Spheres of Love: Toward a New Ethics of the Family, Stephen Post, Samantha Brennan
Fodor's New Theory of Computation and Information, J. Andrew Brook and Robert J. Stainton
Placebo Orthodoxy in Clinical Research II: Ethical, Legal, and Regulatory Myths, Benjamin Freedman, Kathleen Cranley Glass, and Charles Weijer
Placebo Orthodoxy in Clinical Research I: Empirical and Methodological Myths, Benjamin Freedman, Charles Weijer, and Kathleen Cranley Glass
CCNP Position Paper on the Use of Placebos in Psychiatry, William C. Friend and Charles Weijer
Structuring the Review of Human Genetics Protocols: Gene Localization and Identification Studies, Kathleen Cranley Glass, Charles Weijer, Roberta M. Palmour, Stanley H. Shapiro, Trudo M. Lemmens, and Karen Lebacqz
Tradisjon, sannhet og forståelse - en studie i Hans-Georg Gadamers hermeneutikk, Karen Nielsen
Connectionism and the Philosophy of Psychology, by T. Horgan and J. Tiensen, Robert Stainton
Connectionism and the Philosophy of Psychology, by T. Horgan and J. Tienson, Robert J. Stainton
What Else Can I Tell You? A Pragmatic Study of English Rhetorical Questions as Discursive and Argumentative Acts, by Cornelia Ilie, Robert J. Stainton
Philosophical Perspectives on Language, Robert J. Stainton
The Deflation of Belief Contents, Robert J. Stainton
What Assertion Is Not, Robert J. Stainton
Do the Right Thing, Charles Weijer
Ethical Issues in Research, Charles Weijer
Queer Science: The Use and Abuse of Research into Homosexuality, Charles Weijer
Evolving Ethical Issues in Selection of Subjects for Clinical Research, Charles Weijer
Placebo Controls Are Not Good Science, Charles Weijer