Research contained in Philosophy Publications contains studies in epistemology, metaphysics, logic, and ethics, as well as in philosophy of science, feminism, philosophy of mind and language, and applied ethics. All these areas combine to examine philosophy from a historical and global perspective.


Submissions from 1998


Assessing the Interpretation of Criteria for Clinical Trial Eligibility: A Survey of Oncology Investigators, Charles Weijer, Benjamin Freedman, Stanley Shapiro, Abraham Fuks, Myriam Skrutkowska, and Maria Sigurjonsdottir


Bioethics for Clinicians: 16. Dealing with Demands for Inappropriate Treatment, Charles Weijer, Peter A. Singer, Bernard M. Dickens, and Stephen Workman

Submissions from 1997


Remembering Benjamin Freedman (1951-1997), Françoise Baylis and Charles Weijer

Moral Rights and Moral Math: Three Arguments Against Aggregation, Samantha Brennan

A Question of Values: New Canadian Perspectives in Ethics and Political Philosophy, Samantha Brennan, Tracy Lynn Isaacs, and Michael Milde


The Moral Status of Children: Children's Rights, Parents' Rights, and Family Justice, Samantha Brennan and Robert Noggle


Fodor's New Theory of Content and Computation, J. Andrew Brook and Robert J. Stainton


Structuring the Review of Human Genetics Protocols Part II: Diagnostic and Screening Studies, Kathleen Cranley Glass, Charles Weijer, Trudo Lemmens, Roberta M. Palmour, and Stanley H. Shapiro

The Bostromian Philosophy and Its Influence on the Intellectual Climate in Sweden, Henrik Lagerlund

Vidgade perspektiv: Meditationer över diverse filosofihistoriska teman, Henrik Lagerlund

What Is an Emotion? Epictetos’ and Senecas View of Emotions and Augustines Criticism of Their View, Henrik Lagerlund

Hva er sannhet? -- en studie i Martin Heidegger's Sein und Zeit, Karen Nielsen

Do Patients with Breast Cancer Participating in Clinical Trials Receive Better Nursing Care?, Myriam Skrutkowska and Charles Weijer


Consciousness and the Origins of Thought, by Norton Nelkin, Robert Stainton


The Deflation of Belief States, Robert Stainton


Utterance Meaning and Syntactic Ellipsis, Robert Stainton

Consciousness and the Origins of Thought, by Norton Nelkin, Robert J. Stainton


Language, Thought and Consciousness, by P. Carruthers, Robert J. Stainton


The Deflation of Belief States, Robert J. Stainton

Utterance Meaning and Syntactic Ellipsis, Robert J. Stainton


Duty and Healing: The Lifework of Benjamin Freedman, Charles Weijer


Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin, Charles Weijer


Spilker's Guide to Clinical Trials on CD-ROM, Charles Weijer


The Human Radiation Experiments: Final Report of the Advisory Committee on Human Radiation Experiments, Charles Weijer

Film and Narrative in Bioethics: Akira Kurosawa's Ikiru, Charles Weijer