Research contained in Philosophy Publications contains studies in epistemology, metaphysics, logic, and ethics, as well as in philosophy of science, feminism, philosophy of mind and language, and applied ethics. All these areas combine to examine philosophy from a historical and global perspective.
Submissions from 2024
Materialism from Hobbes to Locke, by Stewart Duncan, Benjamin Hill and Robert Stainton
Pragmatics in English, by Kate Scott, Robert Stainton
Do Languages Really Exist?, Robert Stainton and Christopher Viger
Submissions from 2023
Towards a Feminist Theory of Distrust, Hale Demir-Doğuoğlu and Carolyn McLeod
Context and Coherence, by Una Stojnic, Robert Stainton and Arthur Sullivan
Submissions from 2022
The Right to Reproduce, Carolyn McLeod
First-Person Plural Indexicals, Robert Stainton and Arthur Sullivan
"Introduction" to Varieties of Context-Sensitivity in a Pluri-Propositionalist Reflexive Semantic Framework, Robert Stainton and Arthur Sullivan
Submissions from 2021
Linguistic Prescriptivism, Alex Barber and Robert Stainton
Bad Language, by H. Cappelen and J. Dever, Robert Stainton
Critical Notice of Words and Contents, Robert Stainton and Arthur Sullivan
Troubles with Rey's Linguistic Eliminativism, Robert Stainton and Christopher Viger
Understanding Stability in Cognitive Neuroscience Through Hacking's Lens, Jacqueline A. Sullivan
Submissions from 2020
My Relational Autonomy and My Relationship with Susan Sherwin, Carolyn McLeod
Submissions from 2019
Quasi-Factives and Cognitive Efficiency, Axel Barcelo Aspeitia and Robert Stainton
Slurs and Register: A Case Study in Meaning Pluralism, Justina Diaz-Legaspe, Chang Liu, and Robert Stainton
Emociones, Ofensa y Registro Sociolinguistico, Justina Diaz Legaspe and Robert Stainton
Parental Licensing and Discrimination, Carolyn McLeod and Andrew Botterell
Time to Attach: An Argument in Favour of EI Attachment Benefits, Carolyn McLeod, Lorraine Davies, Nicole Fice, Leona Bruijns, Emily Cichocki, Hale Doguoglu, Heather Stewart, Austin Horn, Jaclyn Rekis, and Tara Filipovich
Trust, Autonomy, and the Fiduciary Relationship, Carolyn McLeod and Emma Ryman
Feminist Approaches to Moral Luck, Carolyn McLeod and Jody Tomchishen
Model behaviours for model organism research?, Jacqueline A. Sullivan
Submissions from 2018
An Anscombean Reference for I?, Andrew Botterell and Robert Stainton
Introduction to Discourse, Structure and Linguistic Choice by T. Price Caldwell, Robert Stainton
Re-Reading Anscombe on 'I', Robert Stainton