Research contained in Philosophy Publications contains studies in epistemology, metaphysics, logic, and ethics, as well as in philosophy of science, feminism, philosophy of mind and language, and applied ethics. All these areas combine to examine philosophy from a historical and global perspective.


Submissions from 2007


Revisiting Equipoise: A Response to Gifford, Paul B. Miller and Charles Weijer


Dirtying Aristotle's Hands? Aristotle's Analysis of 'Mixed Acts' in the Nicomachean Ethics III, 1, Karen M. Nielsen


Ethics of Surgical Training in Developing Countries, Kevin M. Ramsey and Charles Weijer


Evaluating Benefits and Harms in Intensive Care Research, Charles Weijer and Paul B. Miller


Refuting the Net Risks Test: A Response to Wendler and Miller's "Assessing Research Risks Systematically", Charles Weijer and Paul B. Miller

Submissions from 2006

Feminist Philosophers Turn Their Thoughts to Death, Samantha Brennan

Is Death’s Badness Gendered? Symposium on Christine Overall’s book Aging, Death and Human Longevity: A Philosophical Inquiry, Samantha Brennan


Moral Lumps, Samantha Brennan


Pornography, The Theory: What Utilitarianism Did to Action, by Frances Ferguson, Samantha J. Brennan


Empirical Consciousness Explained: Self-Affection, (Self-)Consciousness and Perception in the B Deduction, Corey W. Dyck


Kant and the Leibnizian Conception of Mind, Corey W. Dyck


Obligations in Offering to Disclose Genetic Research Results, Conrad V. Fernandez and Charles Weijer


What Does Vulnerability Mean?, Barry Hoffmaster


On Restricting the Evidence Base for Linguistics, C. Iten, Robert J. Stainton, and C. Wearing

How Free are We? An Attempt to Write the History of the Will in the Middle Ages, Henrik Lagerlund

What is Singular Thought? Ockham and Buridan on Singular Terms in the Language of Thought, Henrik Lagerlund

Modality Matters: Twenty-Five Essays in Honour of Krister Segerberg, Henrik Lagerlund, Sten Lindström, and Rysiek Śliwiński

Possible Worlds and Freedom in Leibniz, Henrik Lagerlund and Peter Myrdal


Feminists on the Inalienability of Human Embryos, Carolyn McLeod and Françloise Baylis


Fiduciary Obligation in Clinical Research, Paul B. Miller and Charles Weijer


Trust-based Obligations of the State and Physician-researchers to Patient-subjects, Paul B. Miller and Charles Weijer


Choice in Fertility Preservation in Girls and Adolescent Women with Cancer, Jeffrey Nisker, Françoise Baylis, and Carolyn McLeod


Really Intriguing, that Pred NP!, Ileana Paul and Robert Stainton


Words and Thoughts: Subsentences, Ellipsis, and the Philosophy of Language, Robert Stainton

Contemporary Debates in Cognitive Science, Robert J. Stainton