Submissions from 2024
Basil Bunting and the Challenges of Literary Translation from Persian into English: A Case of Rūdhakī, Emadeddin Naghipour
Submissions from 2023
Figures of Radical Absence: Blanks and Voids in Theory, Literature, and the Arts, Alexandra Irimia
Research as Montage Notes on a Georges Didi-Huberman Exhibition, Alexandra Irimia
Running on Empty: Blanks and Voids in Academic Publishing, Alexandra Irimia
Submissions from 2022
Bureaucratic Sorceries in The Third Policeman: Anthropological Perspectives on Magic & Officialdom, Alexandra Irimia
Submissions from 2021
Depicting Absence: Thematic and Stylistic Paradoxes of Representation in Visual and Literary Imagery, Alexandra Irimia
What Moves You?: Georges Didi-Huberman’s Arts of Passage and Pittsburgh Stories of Migration, Alexandra Irimia
Submissions from 2018
Matters of Time in László Krasznahorkai’s and Béla Tarr’s Satantango, Alexandra Irimia
Repetition and Intermediality in Marguerite Duras’s The Atlantic Man: Practicing Dibutade’s Craft in the XXth Century, Alexandra Irimia
Submissions from 2017
Preserving the Community in Gabriel García Márquez’s Crónica de una muerte anunciada (Chronicle of a Death Foretold), Grace Gomashie