History Publications


Research in History Publications covers a broad range of subjects, tracing and uncovering their changes over time. Researchers examine pasts of societies around the globe, focusing on culture, international relations, war, health, business, and environment.


Submissions from 2006


Review of The Parliament Rolls of Medieval England, edited by C. Given-Wilson (General Editor), P. Brand, A. Curry, R.E. Horrox, G. Martin, W.M. Ormrod, and J.R.S. Phillips, Margaret McGlynn


In the National Interest: Dominions' Support for Britain and the Commonwealth after the Second World War, Francine McKenzie


Reynald Abad, La conjuration contre les carpes. Enquête sur les origines du décret de dessèchement des étangs du 14 frimaire an II, , Pierre Claude Reynard

Censorship of the Press – Russia, Charles A. Ruud

My Lai Massacre, Geoffrey Stewart


Every Place Is an Archive: Environmental History and the Interpretation of Physical Evidence, William J. Turkel


Liberal Nationalism and the Challenge of Masculinity Studies in Quebec, Jeffery Vacante

Encyclopedia of Prisoners of War and Internment, Jonathan Vance

Building Canada: People and Projects That Shaped the Nation., Jonathan F. Vance

Mourir en héros. Mémoire et mythe de la Première Guerre mondiale, Jonathan F. Vance

From Behind the Scenes: W. C. Clark, the Department of Finance, and Canada in the 1940s, Robert Wardhaugh

Submissions from 2005


An Interdisciplinary Approach to ‘Newness’ in Historical Populations, William Acres

History, Literature, and the Writing of the Canadian Prairies, Alison Calder and Robert Wardhaugh


Breaking Through the Information Blockade: Election and Revolution in Ukraine 2004, Marta Dyczok


Media in Post-Orange Revolution Ukraine, Marta Dyczok

Bishop William Townshend, Keith Fleming

Germans in Berlin/Kitchener, Ontario, Ulrich Frisse

Germans in Nova Scotia, Ulrich Frisse

Germans in Ontario, Ulrich Frisse

Germans in Waterloo County, Ontario, Ulrich Frisse

Germans in Waterloo, Ontario, Ulrich Frisse

The German-language Press in Ontario, Ulrich Frisse


Beyond the Walls: The Beginnings of Pest Jewry, Howard Lupovitch

“It Would Never Happen Here!”: The Dreyfus Affair in the Central and Eastern European Jewish Press, Howard Lupovitch

Searching for 'Catholic Israel' in Focsani: Solomon Schechter's Childhood in Romania, Howard Lupovitch