"Supporting Research with Indigenous Youth" by Miranda Plain


Miranda Plain

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This research aimed to implement the EQUIP Equity-oriented health care (EOHC) model within the Youth Opportunities Unlimited (YOU) organization to limit and prevent Indigenous youth homelessness. As an Indigenous-focused intervention project, this study was in the early development phase of ensuring authentic participation of Indigenous youth and ensuring tools are well adapted to the context. Our project activities supported this beginning work. We used a variety of methods, including one on one interviews with YOU staff and youth and surveys that have been adapted to capture culturally relevant information regarding Indigenous youth. The plan is to recruit youth to form an Indigenous youth council to share their experiences at YOU to improve supports and services they receive. This research aims to implement the EQUIP model within other organizations that support Indigenous youth to provide culturally safe experiences and limit and prevent Indigenous youth homelessness. The next project steps include collecting baseline data to understand the intervention’s impact.
