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We spent our time in the Head and Heart Fellowship learning about the importance of Indigenous art, with a focus on murals, and their meanings for indigenizing space. Through the Head and Heart Fellowship, we connected with Indigenous artists and community spaces to learn about local murals and their impact. We met with artists to learn firsthand about their inspirations, methods, and experiences. This immersive experience supported our academic and personal growth as Indigenous researchers. This Fellowship enhanced our understanding and appreciation of the ways Indigenous artists use their art to enhance Indigenous representation and storytelling in public space. Working with Indigenous community provided us learning opportunities that demonstrate how and why key principles such as reciprocity, respect, and representation matter for Indigenous researchers. Finally, this fellowship has provided us with a stronger connection to each other and our identities. Our learning journey was both introspective and community engaged. The Head and Heart Fellowship cultivated in us a deep passion for Indigenous arts and the significance of indigenizing space.
