Theses/Dissertations from 2014
A Vision System for Automating Municipal Waste Collection, Justin M. Szoke-Sieswerda
Thylakoid Phosphorylation And Cell Morphology In The Antarctic Psychrophile, Chlamydomonas sp. UWO241, Beth Szyszka-Mroz
A DC Distribution System for Power System Integration of Plug-In Electric Vehicles; Modeling, Stability and Operation, Mansour Tabari
Static and Seismic Performance of Geosynthetics-Strengthened Pile Foundations, Ahmed M. Taha
Efficacy Of Novel Antifouling/Antimicrobial Coatings For The Prevention Of Urinary Device Associated Infection And Encrustation, Thomas O. Tailly
Control of Cooperative Haptics-Enabled Teleoperation Systems with Application to Minimally Invasive Surgery, Amir Takhmar
The role of lactate dehydrogenase B in aerobic glycolysis-mediated resistance to AB toxicity, Tyler Tam
Towards an Improved Understanding of the Heterogeneity of Violence: A Test of the Clinical Utility of the Reactive-Instrumental Distinction Among Adult Male Inmates, Jennifer L. Tapscott
Potential for Photoacoustic Imaging of Neonatal Brain, Pantea Tavakolian
EECOLOGY: (pata)physical taoism in e. e. cummings’s poetry, Nathan B. TeBokkel
Optimal Contract Design for Co-development of Companion Diagnostics, Rodney T. Tembo
Estimation of Hidden Markov Models and Their Applications in Finance, Anton Tenyakov
The Effect of Diffusive and Convective Sodium Balance During Hemodialysis on Interdialytic Weight Gain, Benjamin Thomson
The Role of Islands in the Migration of Bats Across Lake Erie and Lake Ontario: Lasiurus borealis, Lasiurus cinereus and Perimyotis subflavus, Toby J. Thorne
Nursing Clinical Instructor Experiences of Empowerment in Rwanda: Applying Kanter's and Spreitzer's Theories, Mary E. Thuss
Bifurcation of Limit Cycles in Smooth and Non-smooth Dynamical Systems with Normal Form Computation, Yun Tian
Advances in Dynamic Virtualized Cloud Management, Michael Tighe
Hybrid Data Storage Framework for the Biometrics Domain, Abhinav Tiwari
Mutations at the 46th residue change properties of Cx50 gap junction channels, Xiaoling Tong
Evolve, Brian L. Topp
Concerto Suite: For Viola da Gamba and String Soloists, Matthew W. Tozer
The Role of the Phonological Syllable in English Word Recognition, Daniel Trinh
Plastic Effect of Tetanic Stimulation on Auditory Evoked Potentials, Rajesh Tripathy
The Effect of Exercise on Cigarette Craving and Withdrawal Symptoms While Using a Nicotine Lozenge, Amelia Tritter
Mental Toughness Training Intervention for Collegiate Track and Field Athletes, Amanda A. Truelove
Les interactions morphosyntaxiques dans l’interlangue des apprenants: le cas de l'acquisition des pronoms clitiques en français L2, Kanstantsin Tsedryk
Presenting the Fashion Object: Analyzing the exhibition Fashioning the Object: Bless, Boudicca, Sandra Backlund, Elyse N. Tsotsos
The Effects of Global Climate Change on Canadian Boreal Forest Collembola Communities, Matthew S. Turnbull
The Neural Correlates of Guilt and Restitution During a Social Decision Making Task, Ambrose Ty
Hydrology and Biogeochemistry of a Bog-Fen-Tributary Complex in the Hudson Bay Lowlands, Ontario, Canada, Thomas A. Ulanowski
Post Exercise Ingestion of Plant vs Animal Protein Enhances Exercise Performance Outcomes Similarly, Adam N. Upshaw
Sex Hormones and Sympathetic Nerve Activity, Charlotte W. Usselman
Effects of Surface Topographies on Heat and Fluid Flows, Hadi Vafadar Moradi
Studies of Anode Electrodes for the BioGenerator, Vahid Vajihinejad
Scale-Up Methodology for Bench-Scale Slurry Photocatalytic Reactors Using Combined Irradiation and Kinetic Modelling, Patricio J. Valades Pelayo
Validation of the multi-segment foot model with bi-planar fluoroscopy, Aïda Valevicius
Investigating Teachers' Understandings of Gender Equity and Achievement in Postfeminist Times, Katee Joy Van Campen
Secondary Traumatic Stress and Alexithymia in High-Risk Professionals, Matthew R. J. Vandermeer
Characterization of Human 82-kDa Choline Acetyltransferase expression in a newly developed Transgenic Mouse Model, Silke M. Vanvaerenbergh
Biostimulation of Oil Refinery Soils, Thipphathong Vattaso
Ambiguous Loss For Caregivers of Family Members With Dementia, Ashleigh Vella
Escribir la propia vida: memoria, confesión y autobiografía en dos textos medievales, Maria Carmen Vera Lopez
Canadian Post-Secondary Students, Stress, and Academic Performance – A Socio-Ecological Approach, L. Nicole Versaevel
Psychometric evaluation of self-report pain and disability measures for elbow disorders, Joshua Vincent
Reporting Child Exposure to Domestic Violence: Pre-Service Teachers’ Attitudes and Behaviours, Katherine Vink
Examination of the Usability of the IPAD Among Older Adult Consumers, Mike J. Voumvakis
Computing Intersection Multiplicity via Triangular Decomposition, Paul Vrbik
More Than Just Sex: The Social Implications of HIV/AIDS in Lusaka, Zambia, Mbaka Wadham
Ghost number of group algebras, Gaohong Wang
Digestion of Municipal Wastewater Biosolids using an Anaerobic Fluidized Bed Bioreactor (AnFBR), Zhenqi Wang
Authority Migration and Accountability in Canadian Type II Multilevel Governance, Robert W. Waterman
Food Ontology and Distribution: Ethical Perception and the Food Object, Siobhan M. Watters
A Pseudo Non-Cartesian Pulse Sequence For Hyperpolarized Xenon-129 Gas MRI of Rodent Lungs At Low Magnetic Field Strength, Krzysztof Wawrzyn
Releasing the self from the diagnostic straitjacket: Making meaning & creating understanding through dialogic autobiography, Marnie L. Wedlake
Development and Assessment of a Virtual Reality Forklift Simulator as a Research Tool to Study Whole-Body Vibration, Peter Wegscheider
Task-switching in oculomotor control: Systematic investigations of the unidirectional prosaccade switch-cost, Jeffrey Weiler
Quality of Life and Health-Related Quality of Life in Children with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Yi Wei
Sacred Heart: A Stable Isotope Analysis of Childhood, Diet, and Mobility at a Nineteenth Century Ontario Cemetery, Emily Wells
A Cognitive Role Theoretic Approach to the Consumer Role, Jodie Whelan
A Philosophical Analysis of Ethics Education in the Canadian National Coaching Certification Program for Rowing, Mark M. Williams
Comparison of Housed and Homeless Patients with an Orthopedic Diagnosis, Susan M. Williams
The Christian as Witness in View of the True Witness, Emily Patricia Wilton
Somatic Copy Number Mosaicism Contributes to Genomic Diversity in Mus musculus, Andrea E. Wishart
Revisiting working memory: Are domain, process and global models mutually exclusive, nested or orthogonal?, Jeffrey P. Wong
Entrepreneurial Culture: Developing a Theoretical Construct and its Measurement, Matthew A. Wong
Three-dimensional Photoacoustic Tomography System Design Analysis and Optimization, Philip Wong
Evaluating Mental Health Training for Teachers: Identifying and Supporting Students with Mental Health Challenges, Jessica A. Woods
Sculpted Selves, Sculpted Worlds: Plasticity and Habit in the Thought of Catherine Malabou, Thomas Wormald
Gravity wave spectra morphology in the Arctic and non-Arctic lower atmosphere, Melanie C. Wright
Perfect and Nearly Perfect Sampling of Work-conserving Queues, Yaofei Xiong
The role of superantigens during Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization and infection, Stacey Xu
Application of otolith increment analysis to the study of maturation timing in female kokanee salmon, Yelin Xu
Tilting Sheaves on Brauer-Severi Schemes and Arithmetic Toric Varieties, Youlong Yan
Investigation of Fracture Toughness Measurement for Pipeline Steels Based on SE(B) and SE(T) Specimens, Zijian Yan
Functional Imaging of Malignant Gliomas with CT Perfusion, Timothy Pok Chi Yeung
When Objects Become Part of Self: Effects of Ownership and Choice on Self-object Associations, Yang Ye
In Vitro Functional Analysis Of Novel Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms In OATP1B1 And Potential Clinical Relevance, Zhiyuan P. Yin
Across Boundaries, Diana A. Yoo
Amyloid β Peptides, Signalling and Trafficking of the α7 Nicotine Receptor, Kirk Young
'What's in a List?' Cultural Techniques, Logistics, Poeisis, Liam Cole Young
Fatal Attraction: The Fetishized Image of the Fatal Woman as Gothic Double, Margaret Anne Young
Gamma-Radiolysis Kinetics of Liquid, Vapour and Supercritical Water, Nastaran Yousefi
The Role of Oxygen Tension and Insulin-Like Growth Factor Signaling in the Placental Mesenchymal Stem Cell Fate, Amer Youssef
Using Worked-Out Examples of Written Explanation for Writing-to-Learn in Evolutionary Biology, Amy M. Yu
Surfactant Assisted Dispersion of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes in Polyvinylpyrrolidone Solutions, Tennison Yu
Examining Contextual Factors and Resilience in Adolescents who Faced Adversity as Children, Veronica Zapotoczny
Risk Scores for Predicting Mortality in Flail Chest, Meaghan Zehr
Automated Building Information Extraction and Evaluation from High-resolution Remotely Sensed Data, Chuiqing Zeng
Development and Integration of MEMS Based Inductive Sensors, Luyang Zhang
The Reciprocal Influences of the Old Order Mennonite Community and Tourism in St. Jacobs, Ontario, Mingyuan Zhang
Decision Theory Based Models in Insurance and Beyond, Raymond Ye Zhang
Development of Probabilistic Corrosion Growth Models with Applications in Integrity Management of Pipelines, Shenwei Zhang
Understanding Recurrent Disease: A Dynamical Systems Approach, Wenjing Zhang