Theses/Dissertations from 2017
Branding in the Liberal Party of Canada from 2006 to 2015, Elisha M. Corbett
Characterization of six Arabidopsis AROGENATE DEHYDRATASE promoters, Emily J. Cornelius
Women in Leadership within Professional Sport in Canada, Amanda B. Cosentino
Tracing the Interstice: Godard, Deleuze, and The Future of Cinema, Anthony C. Coughlin
Role of High Molecular Weight Hyaluronan in Ultraviolet B Light-Induced Transformation, Katelyn Cousteils
Expression of Human Tissue Kallikreins (KLKs) in Polymorphous Low Grade Adenocarcinoma (PLGA), Jacqueline M. Cox
A Mixed Methods Exploration of Benefits for Youth Mentors in an Indigenous High School Peer Mentoring Program, Melissa Coyne-Foresi
Tracking behavioural and neuronal responses to social pheromones: Insights from a Drosophila model, Justin R. Croft
Asset-Based Community Capacity Building: A Process for Expanding a Retirement Home Physical Activity Program, Charlotte W. Crombeen
A Simulated Walk in Nature: Testing Predictions from the Attention Restoration Theory, Corey Crossan
An Investigation of the CK2-dependent Phosphoproteome using Inhibitor Refractory CK2-alpha, Edward Cruise
A Pilot Study on the Affective Responses to Watching Consecutive Episodes of a Television Show during Aerobic Exercise below the Ventilatory Threshold, Lauren Crutchlow
Synthesis of N-Heterocycles from Donor Acceptor Cyclopropanes and Progress towards Flinderole A, B, and C, Joanne E. Curiel Tejeda
Aesthetic Outcome of Maxillomandibular Advancement Surgery for the Treatment of Obstructive Sleep Apnea, Jennifer Curran
Intracellular signalling crosstalk in the differentiation of F9 cells into extraembryonic endoderm, Tina Nicole Cuthbert
Quality of Life and Sources of Stress in Teachers: A Canadian Perspective, Jessica R. Danilewitz
Transition from Paediatric to Adult Healthcare: Readiness and Experiences of Canadian Adolescents and Young Adults Diagnosed with Epilepsy in Childhood, Alison S.B. Dasiewicz
Regeneration potential of activated petroleum coke for application in oil sands process-affected water, Sreejon Das
The role of muscle strength and voluntary activation on symptomatic fatigue in multiple sclerosis, Shannon P. Davidson
The study of plasmonics in nanohole metallic metamaterials, Kieffer J. Davieau
Design and Evaluation of a Contact-Free Interface for Minimally Invasive Robotics Assisted Surgery, Cameron Dawson
Using a Deliberative Dialogue to Facilitate the Uptake of Research Evidence in Rehabilitation for Children with Cerebral Palsy, Alisiyah Daya
Behavioural Mechanisms of Protandrous Spring Migration in a Nearctic-Neotropical Songbird, Jessica E. Deakin
Living with COPD through the eyes of veterans and their spouses residing in Ontario, Erisa Deda
Regarding Aid: The photographic situation of humanitarianism, Sonya de Laat
Dopamine-Dependent Task Performance over the Menstrual Cycle, Alexandra A. de la Rua
BIM Assisted Design Process Automation for Pre-Engineered Buildings (PEB), Mohammad Delavar
The Representation of the Canadian Government’s Warrantless Domestic Collection of Metadata in the Canadian Print News Media, Alan Del Pino
How Do Individuals with Cerebral Palsy and their Families Prefer to Receive and Use Evidence-Based Information to Individualize Services to Optimize Outcomes?, Tianna D. B. Deluzio
”Not Just Based On Land”: A Study On The Ethnic Tibetan Community in Toronto, Diyin Deng
Mechanisms underlying executive function deficits, Sagar Jayawantrao Desai
Mechanisms Underlying Variation in Insect Chill Tolerance: The Role of Ion and Water Transport, Lauren E. Des Marteaux
Adsorbed Gas Behaviour and Guest-Host Interactions in Ultramicroporous Metal-Organic Frameworks, Bligh Desveaux
Batch and Fed Batch Cultivation and Harvesting of Nannochloropsis Gaditana for Environmental Applications, Roopa P. Devasya
Prostate Cancer Microparticles in Men Undergoing Radical Prostatectomy, Malcolm James Dewar
Investigation of Chitosan-based Hydrogels as a Cell Delivery Platform for Adipose-derived Stem/Stromal Cell Transplantation to Promote Angiogenesis in Ischemic Tissues, Jobanpreet Singh Dhillon
The Long Haul: Migratory Flight Preparation and Performance in Songbirds, Morag F. Dick
Historical Institutionalism and the Politics of a Knowledge Economy, Michael Dietrich
A Modelling Approach: Effects of Exuded Organic Acids and Exogenous Chelating Ligands on Bioavailability and Uptake of Metals by Radishes (Raphanus sativus) Grown in Hydroponics., Sergio A. Dominguez Romero
Characterizing Mekk1: Candidate Behavioural Isolation Gene, Caryn Dooner
An Internet-Wide Analysis of Diffie-Hellman Key Exchange and X.509 Certificates in TLS, Kristen Dorey
Insulin Resistance and T1D: The Effect of Exercise on Skeletal Muscle Lipid Metabolism, Michelle Dotzert
The Effects of Crossbreeding and Low Fish Meal Diets on Growth-Related Traits in Chinook Salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha), Katarina H. Doughty
Dads and Dyads: stress and coping when a child has Retinoblastoma, Rob Downie
Helpers and Heroes, Hurdles and Highs: A Humanistic Autoethnographical Reflection on Working Class Student Experiences, Willey A. B. Dow
Software-defined Networking enabled Resource Management and Security Provisioning in 5G Heterogeneous Networks, Xiaoyu Duan
Exploring Geographic Variations in Community and Consumer Food Environments for Children, Catherine DuBreck
Simulation of driven elastic spheres in a Newtonian fluid, Shikhar M. Dwivedi
Building an Ecology of Routines: The Central Role of the Broker, Jeannette A. Eberhard
Rendering real-time dashboards using a GraphQL-based UI Architecture, Naresh Eeda
Fatigue in Children and Adolescents with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy, Basmah El-Aloul
Dynamic Functional Connectivity Reveals Temporal Differences in Wake and Stage-2 Sleep, Mazen El-Baba
Pharmaceutical Direct-to-Consumer Advertising: Analyses of Policy Stakeholders and Supreme Court of Canada Interveners, Tom T. Eldik
A performance based design approach for tall buildings under wind loading, Fouad Y. Elezaby
Retinoic Acid Pathway Inhibition to Expand Human Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells with Islet Regenerative Capacity, Ruth Elgamal
Seismic Performance of Steel Helical Piles, Moustafa K. El-sawy
Aerodynamic Optimization and Wind Load Evaluation Framework for Tall Buildings, Ahmed Elshaer
Urea as an Effective Nitrogen Source for Cyanobacteria, Kevin J. Erratt
Determining The Detective Quantum Efficiency (DQE) Of X-Ray Detectors In Clinical Environments, Terenz R. Escartin
Experimental Studies of Electrical Resistivity Behavior of Cu, Zn and Co Along Their Melting Boundaries: Implications for Heat Flux at Earth’s Inner Core Boundary, Innocent Chinweikpe Ezenwa
Does Reflection Mitigate Negative Emotions Following Work Performance Feedback?, Rebecca J. Factor
The effects of corticosterone and social isolation on song stereotypy and neural plasticity in zebra finches, Pavlina Faltynek
Doubly Bonded Derivatives of Si and Ge: Cycloaddition Reactions and Polymer Chemistry, Bahareh Farhadpour
Advancing Social Transformation Through Occupation: A Critical Examination of Epistemological Foundations, Discourses and Contextual Factors Shaping Research and Practice, Lisette Farias Vera
Characterizing Ferroportin Trafficking in Macrophages During Phagocytosis, Tayler J. Farrell
The First Earthquake Site Assessments in Alberta, Canada, Joseph J. Farrugia
Investigations into the Role of Conformational Dynamics in Protein Function: Insights From Hydrogen/Deuterium Exchange-Mass Spectrometry, Courtney S. Fast
Before Exit: Three Essays on Business Exit in Politically and Economically Adverse Environments, Ramzi Fathallah
The Effects of Video Recording on the Level of Expertise and Self-Regulated Learning Ability of Adults in a Beginner Classical Guitar Class, Patrick K. Feely
How Does Mode of Input Affect Incidental Vocabulary Learning, Yanxue Feng
A Complete Special Goods Theory of Filial Obligations, Cameron Fenton
Thermal Biology of Insect Immunity and Host-Microbe Interactions, Laura V. Ferguson
Killing, Combat and the Princess Patricia’s Canadian Light Infantry: Legendary Soldiers’ Stories of the First World War – 1914-1918, Ryan B. Flavelle CD
A Research-Based Educator's Guide to Auditory Processing Disorder: Does it Improve Teachers' Confidence?, Danielle M. Fletcher
Perceived patient-pharmacist communication and diabetes management: Assessing medication adherence among older patients, Cecilia Flores Sandoval
Do You “Like” Me?: Reassurance Seeking on Facebook and Depression, Callista Forchuk
From the Igloo to the School, Jessica SW Ford
Reblogging Gender: Non-Binary Transgender Subjectivities and the Internet, Lee (Molly) J. Fraser
Inhibition of Pannexin 1 reduces tumorigenic properties of human melanoma, Taylor J. Freeman
The Foundations of Empire Building: Spain’s Legacy and the American Imperial Identity, 1776-1921, Gregg M. French
Dual-task Gait Assessment in Lower Extremity Amputees, Courtney A. Frengopoulos
Hunting for (dis)connections in Northern Ontario: "nature," wild meat, and community in Hearst, Daphné Gagnon
Generic Numerical Tornado Model for Common Interpretation of Existing Experimental Simulators, Anant Gairola
Investigating Adenovirus E1A as an RNA Polymerase II C-Terminal Domain Mimic and its Role in Transcription Activation, Kristianne JC Galpin
Poly(ethyl glyoxylate) Solid-Core Particles for Drug Delivery, Michael Thomas Gambles
Modelling of future flood risk across Canada under climate change, Ayushi Gaur
Investigating Elementary School Teachers’ Approaches to Addressing Gender and Sexual Diversity in the Education System, Jordan P. Gentile
Institutional Voids, Investment Purposes, and Foreign Subsidiaries of Multinational Enterprises, Yamlaksira S. Getachew
Maternal Nutrient Restriction in Pregnant Guinea Pigs and the Impact on Fetal Growth and Brain Development, Andrew Ghaly
Three Essays on Incentive Problems of Parties with Potential Conflict of Interest, Salar Ghamat
Investigating the Place of Children’s Home Literacy in the Ontario Kindergarten Curriculum: A Document Analysis, Hanaa Ghannoum
Nicotinamide Riboside and the Aortic Response to Angiotensin II Infusion in Mice, Sina A. Ghoreishi
Decoding Mental States after Severe Brain Injury, Raechelle M. Gibson
Using Bolide Airwaves To Estimate Meteoroid Source Characteristics And Window Damage Potential, Nayeob Gi
Development of a Real-Time 3D Mushroom Vision System for Autonomous Mushroom Harvesting, Stefan Glibetic
The Effect Of The Dopamine Agonist Pramipexole On Measures Of Impulsivity In Young, Healthy Participants, Daniel Glizer