Theses/Dissertations from 2022
Influencer Engagement Pods and the Struggle Over Measure in Instagram Platform Labour, Victoria J. O'Meara
A Fast Voxel-based 3D Dose Convolution Method for Personalized Targeted Radionuclide Therapy of Prostate Cancer Patients, Chidera Opara
Who Gets to be a Knower? Epistemic Authority in Classical Studies, Jaymie Orchard
Software and Hardware-based Tools for Improving Ultrasound Guided Prostate Brachytherapy, Nathan Orlando
Predicting Education-Job Mismatch and Its Consequences for A Cohort of American Workers, Emily J. Orr
Dissolving Nature/Nurture: Development as Coupled Interaction, Derek E. Oswick
A Framework for Stable Robot-Environment Interaction Based on the Generalized Scattering Transformation, Kanstantsin Pachkouski
Increased corticospinal inhibition following submaximal and maximal muscle activation in humans, Alexander D. Paish
Examining κ, the high frequency spectral decay parameter, in Eastern Canada, Samantha M. Palmer
Bayesian Pharmacokinetic Models for Inference and Optimal Sequential Decision Making with Applications in Personalized Medicine, Athanasios D. Pananos
Wastewater Aeration Process Dynamic Modelling: Combined Mechanistic and Machine Learning Approach, Yuehe Pan
Essays on the Economics of Education, Marco Pariguana
The impact of long-term artificial removal experiment and natural local extinctions on the genetics of an alpine butterfly, Keon Young Park
Colombian women’s experiences of the Canadian refugee and asylum adjudication process, Camila N. Parra Carrillo
At Dusk, Michelle Paterok
Subsurface Correlation of Lower Silurian Medina Group, Southwestern Ontario, Rhys H. Paterson
Hearing Loss and Cognition: Using Behavioural Paradigms to Uncover the Learning Strategy Changes Following Noise-Induced Hearing Loss in Rodents, Benjamin Joseph Patrick
Canadian Prisoners of the First World War: The Struggle for Resilience, Grace Peeters-Rosien
Anticancer Effects and Mechanisms of CFI-400945 and Radiation in Breast Cancer, Sierra M. Pellizzari
Community Development Agreements: The Hardening and Evaluation of a Norm, Luka G. Petrusevski
Women and Western Mission: A Case Study on the Christian Khasi and Garo Tribal Women, Rosemary Philip
Synovial Pathophysiology and Pain in Knee Osteoarthritis, Holly T. Philpott
How can Single Mothers Care for Themselves and their Children during the COVID-19 Pandemic?, Lisbeth Alexandra Pino Gavidia
The experiences of belonging of individuals transitioning from unhoused to housed, Patricia Y. Plett
Investigation of Cell Derived Nanoparticles for Drug Delivery and Osteogenic Differentiation of Human Stem/Stromal Cells, Shruthi Polla Ravi
Host Organizations' Perspectives of Partnered Global Study-Abroad Programs, Jessica C. Pop
Himalaya Clauses in Sea Carriage Contracts: Closing the Pandora’s Box, Mary Ppasiou
The Role of Leisure in Older Adults Moving Homes, Kristin Prentice
Appearance- versus Function-Based Verbal Cues during Exercise in Young Non-Exercising Women, MacLean Press
Investigation of exercise, nutrition, and high tibial osteotomy interventions for patients with medial dominant knee osteoarthritis, Codie Primeau
Examining the Lived Experience of University Students Receiving Academic Accommodations for Concussion, Mary C. Prior
Respiratory Pattern Analysis for COVID-19 Digital Screening Using AI Techniques, Annita Tahsin Priyoti
Associations Between Testosterone, Androgen Receptor Polymorphism, And Mood, Christopher Purkis
Investigating tumor perfusion, glycolysis and pH environments with multimodal in vivo imaging, Qi Qi
Characterization of disease-causing HARS mutations, Yi Qiu
Role of HXXXD-motif acyltransferases in suberin biosynthesis, Yudelkis Indira Queralta Castillo
The Impact of Frailty and Sarcopenia in Patients Undergoing Esophagectomy for Esophageal Cancer, Linda Chang Qu
Feasibility and Clinical Value of 3-Dimensional Myocardial Deformation Analysis by Computed Tomography in Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement Patients, Mohamad Rabbani
Quantitative Image Analysis of White Matter Dysregulation Using Brain Normalization for Diagnostic Analysis of Pediatric Hydrocephalus, Renee-Marie Ragguett
Decompression vs. Decompression and Fusion in Cauda Equina Syndrome Secondary to Massive Lumbar Disc Herniation, Ruheksh Raj
On the Spatial Modelling of Biological Invasions, Tedi Ramaj
Alternating-flank Cutting Strategy (AFCS) for Burr Minimization in Ultraprecise Single Point Cutting (USPC), Otoniel F. Rangel
Automation through Deep-Learning to Quantify Ventilation Defects in Lungs from High-Resolution Isotropic Hyperpolarized 129Xe Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Tuneesh Kaur Ranota
Men under Microscopes: “Medical Gaze” and Homeostasis in Victorian Realist Literature, Nida Rashid
Tracing the Fate of Cytokeratin 19+ Cells During Beta Cell Regeneration Stimulated by Multipotent Stromal Cell-Secreted Effectors, Nazihah Rasiwala
Examining Mobile Health App Engagement in a North American Employee Population: A One-Year Longitudinal Observational Study, Nabil Ratanshi
Quantifying and predicting real-world iatrogenic severe hypoglycemia in adults with type 1 or 2 diabetes mellitus (the iNPHORM study, United States), Alexandria A. Ratzki-Leewing
The Time Helix: Nonlinear Narrative Structures and the Paradox of Delayed Simultaneity, Jaclyn A. Reed
Early Solar System chronology and isotopic linkage of non-carbonaceous chondrules, clasts and achondrites, Philip M. Reger
Digital geographies of Indigenous health: Exploring Indigenous Mental Health content from Turtle Island during COVID-19, Veronica Reitmeier
Spatiotemporal characterization of the prr12 paralogues in zebrafish, Renee Jeannine Resendes
Spatiotemporal Changes of Lagged Compound Dry and Wet Spells in the Northwest North America Under Climate Change, Reza Rezvani
The Clinical Value of Oculomotor Assessments Across the Continuum of Concussion, Dillon Richards
Folk Theories, Recommender Systems, and Human-Centered Explainable Artificial Intelligence (HCXAI), Michael Ridley
Automated Segmentation of the Inner Ear and Round Window in Computed Tomography scans using Convolutional Neural Networks, Kyle A. Rioux
Myeloarchitectonic Maps of Cat Auditory Cortex, Austin Robertson
Extracting Microservice Dependencies Using Log Analysis, Andres O. Rodriguez Ishida
Identifying and developing candidate indicators of brain inflammation, Austyn D. Roseborough
Early Biological Response of Articular Cartilage to Hemiarthroplasty Wear, Debora Rossetti
Prefrontal coding of naturalistic working memory: Mechanisms during normal maintenance and modelled disease, Megan P. Roussy
Listening effort: Separating the subjective from the objective, Joseph E. Rovetti
Complete Hopf and Bogdanov-Takens Bifurcation Analysis on Two Epidemic Models, Yuzhu Ruan
It's Not My Phone, It’s Me: Investigating Smartphone Presence and Predictors of Smartphone Reliance, Ana C. Ruiz Pardo
Understanding Transitional Mental Health and Interpersonal Needs of Newcomer Youth During Resettlement: Seeking Guidance to Strengthen Mental Health Programming, Anjali Ruparelia
Effects of glutamine deamidation on the oxygen isotope compositions of bone collagen, Curtis W. Russell
Aspects of food security and climate change resilience in Semi-arid Northern Ghana, Sulemana A. Saaka
A Visual analysis of the smart home, Seyedeh Sara Sadati Far
Manipulating the root mycobiome to improve plant performance and reduce pathogen pressure in corn (Zea mays), Noor F. Saeed Cheema
Exploring Coping Strategies Among Older Women Who Have Experienced Intimate Partner Violence During COIVD-19, Christina Safar
False Discovery Rate Analysis for Glycopeptide Identification, Shun Saito
User Preferences for Hearing Aid Features: Outcomes, Concepts, and Test Construction, Hasan Saleh
Noninvasive Quantification of Tissue Sodium Concentration in the Kidney Disease Spectrum using 23Na Magnetic Resonance Imaging, Fabio R. Salerno
Understanding Para Athlete Development: An Examination of Para Swimming, Darda J. Sales
Behavioral Biometrics-based Continuous User Authentication, Sanket Vilas Salunke
Efficient Discovery and Utilization of Radio Information in Ultra-Dense Heterogeneous 3D Wireless Networks, Mattaka Gamage Samantha Sriyananda
Exploring the effects of spinal cord stimulation for freezing of gait in parkinsonian patients, Olivia Samotus
The role of reactive oxygen species in the accumulation of driver mutations in B cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Mia P. Sams
Fertility Preservation Discussions with Transgender People in Canada Prior to Beginning Medical Gender Affirmation, Emily K. Sanders
Towards a Generalization of Fulton's Intersection Multiplicity Algorithm, Ryan Sandford
Guidance Counselors' Enactment of Educational Equity Policies: A Cross-Case Analysis of Ontario and Trinidad and Tobago, Kathleen Sandy-Thompson
The Natural History of Modic Changes - a 5- and 15-year Follow-up Study, Parnian Saremi
Liquefaction Susceptibility Assessment of Oil Sands Tailings, Grytan Sarkar
Mental Health Walk-In Clinics for Children and Families, Catalina Sarmiento
An Investigation Into Time Gazed At Traffic Objects By Drivers, Kolby R. Sarson
Exploring Artificial Intelligence (AI) Techniques for Forecasting Network Traffic: Network QoS and Security Perspectives, Ibrahim Mohammed Sayem
A Unified Representation and Deep Learning Architecture for Persuasive Essays in English, Muhammad Tawsif Sazid