Department of Economics Research Reports
Submissions from 1971
On the Equivalence of Community Indifference and the Aggregate Consumption Function, James R. Melvin
Risk, Depreciation in Use and the Optimal Stock of Capital, Michel Andrieu
Some Reflections on the Senate Hearings on Poverty, Thomas J. Courchene
Stock Market Gains and Aggregate Consumption: A Permanent Income Approach, Kul B. Bhatia
Tariff Preferences: An Empirical Analysis, James R. Melvin
The Estimation and Taxation of Capital Gains in Canada, Kul B. Bhatia
The Extent of the Separation of Ownership from Control in Large U.S. Industrial Corporations, John P. Palmer
The Generation and Testing of Random Numbers, R. A. L. Carter
The Industrial Demand for Factor Inputs with Non-Constant Returns to Scale, Michel Andrieu
The Managerial Enterprise: A Game Theoretic Approach, John Palmer
The Market for High Risk Consumption Loans, Interest Rate Ceilings, and Social Welfare, Kenneth L. Avio
The Options for Stabilization Policy in Canada, Grant L. Reuber and Ronald G. Bodkin
The Role of the Provinces in Regional Economic Development: Some Comments, Thomas J. Courchene
Traded and Non-Traded Intermediate Inputs, Effective Protection, and Real Wages, Raveendra Batra and Francisco R. Casas
Submissions from 1970
An Analysis of Canadian Regional Economic Characteristics with Special Emphasis on Regional Unemployment Rates, Thomas J. Courchene
A Simple Model of Waste Disposal, Charles G. Plourde
Canada's Economic Policies towards the Less-Developed Countries, Grant L. Reuber
Economic Growth and International Trade in an Imperfect Market Setting, Raveendra Batra and Francisco R. Casas
Economic Growth and International Trade with Transport Costs, Horst Herberg
Exploitation of Common Property Replenishable Resources: An Extension, Charles G. Plourde
Factor Market Distortions and the Theory of Trade Gains, Raveendra Batra
Incomes Policy: Canada's Experiment with Organized Voluntarism to Curb Price Inflation, Grant L. Reuber
Inflation - Unemployment Tradeoffs under Fixed and Floating Exchange Rates, Joel Fried
Intermediate Goods in International Trade with Variable Proportions and Two Primary Inputs, Robert D. Warne
Intermediate Products and the Pure Theory of International Trade: A Neo Heckscher-Ohlin Framwork, Raveendra Batra and Francisco R. Casas