Date of Award


Degree Type


Degree Name

Master of Arts




Dr. Richard Goffin

Second Advisor

Dr. Tony Vernon


The purpose of this thesis was to create a measure with evidence of reliability and validity that can moderate the criterion-related validity of personality assessment in personnel selection settings. Confirmatory factor analysis supported the three-factor a priori theoretical model of the measure, the Perceived Ability to Deceive (PATD) scale. However, the strong average inter-factor correlation (r = .59) and the high internal consistency reliability (composite α = .93) of the PATD suggested that the factors tap the same underlying construct. Therefore, the PATD was scored Unidimensionally in subsequent analyses. The PATD also demonstrated evidence of discriminant validity. Finally, the PATD significantly moderated the relation between Agreeableness and Counterproductive Workplace Behaviour (CWB), AR2 = .02, F(1, 208) = 4.28, p < .05. High scores on the PATD resulted in a weaker relation between Agreeableness and CWB. The findings confirm that the PATD is a unique construct that can moderate the relation between personality predictors and work-related criteria and that can offer new insight into the process of faking in personnel selection.



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