Event Title

3-4 Identity, Protest, and Social Media



Event Website


Start Date

9-6-2021 8:30 AM

End Date

9-6-2021 10:00 AM

Document Type



Chair: Hannah Ascough, Queens University

Hannah Ascough, Queens University (17ha10@queensu.ca). Ubuntu, Twitter, and a Just Transition: Exploring South African environmental charity responses to the COVID-19 and climate crises

Nii Ayitey Komey, University of Ghana (aeronk95@gmail.com). Hashtag Pan-Afrikanism: A new Afrikan identity is being created on Twitter

Felix Oyosoro, Obong University (oyosoro4u@gmail.com). “Clicks for Clacks”: Malwares as Tools of Asymmetric Warfare and a Source of Digital Power; Is Africa offside?

Esther Ekong, University of Ottawa (oekon035@uottawa.ca). A Frugally innovated Africa: Ubuntu vs. the protection of intellectual property rights.

Meeting ID: 912 7895 7666

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Jun 9th, 8:30 AM Jun 9th, 10:00 AM

3-4 Identity, Protest, and Social Media


Chair: Hannah Ascough, Queens University

Hannah Ascough, Queens University (17ha10@queensu.ca). Ubuntu, Twitter, and a Just Transition: Exploring South African environmental charity responses to the COVID-19 and climate crises

Nii Ayitey Komey, University of Ghana (aeronk95@gmail.com). Hashtag Pan-Afrikanism: A new Afrikan identity is being created on Twitter

Felix Oyosoro, Obong University (oyosoro4u@gmail.com). “Clicks for Clacks”: Malwares as Tools of Asymmetric Warfare and a Source of Digital Power; Is Africa offside?

Esther Ekong, University of Ottawa (oekon035@uottawa.ca). A Frugally innovated Africa: Ubuntu vs. the protection of intellectual property rights.

Meeting ID: 912 7895 7666
