The Brain and Mind Institute is recognized as one of the world’s leading research institutes in cognitive neuroscience and aims to understand how the brain allows us to perceive the world, makes sense of what we see and hear, remember the past and plan for the future, communicate our thoughts to others, choose goals, plan actions and carry those actions out.


Submissions from 2013


Habituation of reflexive and motivated behavior in mice with deficient BK channel function., Marei Typlt, Magdalena Mirkowski, Erin Azzopardi, Peter Ruth, Peter K D Pilz, and Susanne Schmid


Skill learning strengthens cortical representations of motor sequences., Tobias Wiestler and Jörn Diedrichsen

Submissions from 2012


Eroding the boundaries of cognition: Implications of embodiment, Michael Anderson, Michael J. Richardson, and Anthony Chemero


Algorithmic Decomposition of Shuffle on Words, Franziska Biegler, Mark Daley, and Ian McQuillan


Discriminating famous from fictional names based on lifetime experience: evidence in support of a signal-detection model based on finite mixture distributions., Ben Bowles, Iain M Harlow, Melissa M Meeking, and Stefan Köhler


Greater benefits of multisensory integration during complex sensorimotor transformations., Verena N Buchholz, Samanthi C Goonetilleke, W Pieter Medendorp, and Brian D Corneil


Expanding the basic science debate: the role of physics knowledge in interpreting clinical findings., Mark Goldszmidt, John Paul Minda, Sarah L Devantier, Aimee L Skye, and Nicole N Woods


Functional connectivity of the frontal eye fields in humans and macaque monkeys investigated with resting-state fMRI., R Matthew Hutchison, Jason P Gallivan, Jody C Culham, Joseph S Gati, Ravi S Menon, and Stefan Everling


Resting-state connectivity identifies distinct functional networks in macaque cingulate cortex., R Matthew Hutchison, Thilo Womelsdorf, Joseph S Gati, L Stan Leung, Ravi S Menon, and Stefan Everling


Perceptual fluency can be used as a cue for categorization decisions., Sarah J Miles and John Paul Minda


Distinct patterns of functional and effective connectivity between perirhinal cortex and other cortical regions in recognition memory and perceptual discrimination., Edward B O'Neil, Andrea B Protzner, Cornelia McCormick, D Adam McLean, Jordan Poppenk, Anthony D Cate, and Stefan Köhler


Encoding of sensory prediction errors in the human cerebellum., John Schlerf, Richard B Ivry, and Jörn Diedrichsen


Gonadotropin-releasing hormone plasticity: a comparative perspective., T J Stevenson, T P Hahn, S A MacDougall-Shackleton, and G F Ball


Psychophysical and neural evidence for emotion-enhanced perceptual vividness, Rebecca M. Todd, Deborah Talmi, Taylor W. Schmitz, Josh Susskind, and Adam K. Anderson

Submissions from 2011


Why Clowns Taste Funny: The Relationship between Humor and Semantic Ambiguity, Tristan A. Bekinschtein, Matthew H. Davis, Jennifer M. Rodd, and Adrian M. Owen


Preserved hippocampal novelty responses following anterior temporal-lobe resection that impairs familiarity but spares recollection., Ben Bowles, Edward B O'Neil, Seyed M Mirsattari, Jordan Poppenk, and Stefan Köhler


The role of apparent size in building- and object-specific regions of ventral visual cortex., Anthony D Cate, Melvyn A Goodale, and Stefan Köhler


Bedside Detection of Awareness in the Vegetative State: A Cohort Study, Damian Cruse, Srivas Chennu, Camille Chatelle, Tristan A. Bekinschtein, Davinia Fernández-Espejo, John D. Pickard, Steven Laureys, and Adrian M. Owen


Decoding Action Intentions from Preparatory Brain Activity in Human Parieto-frontal Networks, Jason P. Gallivan, D. Adam McLean, Kenneth F. Valyear, Charles E. Pettypiece, and Jody C. Culham


Negative associations between corpus callosum midsagittal area and IQ in a representative sample of healthy children and adolescents., Hooman Ganjavi, John D Lewis, Pierre Bellec, Penny A MacDonald, Deborah P Waber, Alan C Evans, Sherif Karama, and The Brain Development Cooperative Group


Neck muscle responses evoked by transcranial magnetic stimulation of the human frontal eye fields., Samanthi C Goonetilleke, Paul L Gribble, Seyed M Mirsattari, Timothy J Doherty, and Brian D Corneil


Paradoxical reversal learning enhancement by stress or prefrontal cortical damage: rescue with BDNF., Carolyn Graybeal, Michael Feyder, Emily Schulman, Lisa M Saksida, Timothy J Bussey, Jonathan L Brigman, and Andrew Holmes


Parsing decision making processes in prefrontal cortex: response inhibition, overcoming learned avoidance, and reversal learning., Steven G Greening, Elizabeth C Finger, and Derek G V Mitchell


Resting-state networks in the macaque at 7 T., R Matthew Hutchison, L Stan Leung, Seyed M Mirsattari, Joseph S Gati, Ravi S Menon, and Stefan Everling


Specific contributions of ventromedial, anterior cingulate, and lateral prefrontal cortex for attentional selection and stimulus valuation., Daniel Kaping, Martin Vinck, R Matthew Hutchison, Stefan Everling, and Thilo Womelsdorf