The Brain and Mind Institute is recognized as one of the world’s leading research institutes in cognitive neuroscience and aims to understand how the brain allows us to perceive the world, makes sense of what we see and hear, remember the past and plan for the future, communicate our thoughts to others, choose goals, plan actions and carry those actions out.


Submissions from 2021


Response characteristics of vestibular evoked myogenic potentials recorded over splenius capitis in young adults and adolescents, Karen A. Gordon, Joshua Baitz, Joshua J. Gnanasegaram, Carmen McKnight, Brian D. Corneil, Aaron J. Camp, and Sharon L. Cushing


Effects of MP2RAGE B1+ sensitivity on inter-site T1 reproducibility and hippocampal morphometry at 7T, Roy A.M. Haast, Jonathan C. Lau, Dimo Ivanov, Ravi S. Menon, Kâmil Uludağ, and Ali R. Khan


A Novel Three-Choice Touchscreen Task to Examine Spatial Attention and Orienting Responses in Rodents, Faraj L. Haddad, Maryam Ghahremani, Cleusa De Oliveira, Ella E. Doornaert, Kevin D. Johnston, Stefan Everling, and Susanne Schmid


Integrating numerical cognition research and mathematics education to strengthen the teaching and learning of early number, Zachary Hawes, Rebecca Merkley, Christine L. Stager, and Daniel Ansari


Abnormal hemispheric asymmetry of both brain function and structure in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a meta-analysis of individual participant data, Ningning He, Lena Palaniyappan, Zeqiang Linli, and Shuixia Guo


Abnormal hemispheric asymmetry of both brain function and structure in attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: a meta-analysis of individual participant data, Ningning He, Lena Palaniyappan, Zeqiang Linli, and Shuixia Guo


Contrasting migratory journeys and changes in hippocampal astrocyte morphology in shorebirds, Ediely Pereira Henrique, Marcus Augusto de Oliveira, Dario Carvalho Paulo, Patrick Douglas Corrêa Pereira, Cleyssian Dias, Lucas Silva de Siqueira, Camila Mendes de Lima, Diego de Almeida Miranda, Péricles Sena do Rego, Juliana Araripe, Mauro André Damasceno de Melo, Daniel Guerreiro Diniz, Nara Gyzely de Morais Magalhães, David Francis Sherry, Cristovam Wanderley Picanço Diniz, and Cristovam Guerreiro Diniz


Sustained neural activity correlates with rapid perceptual learning of auditory patterns, Björn Herrmann, Kurdo Araz, and Ingrid S. Johnsrude


Hearing loss and brain plasticity: the hyperactivity phenomenon, Björn Herrmann and Blake E. Butler


Sound level context modulates neural activity in the human brainstem, Björn Herrmann, Sonia Yasmin, Kurdo Araz, David W. Purcell, and Ingrid S. Johnsrude


Intelligibility benefit for familiar voices does not depend on better discrimination of fundamental frequency or vocal tract length, Emma Holmes and Ingrid Johnsrude


Speech-evoked brain activity is more robust to competing speech when it is spoken by someone familiar, Emma Holmes and Ingrid S. Johnsrude


Functional Organization of Frontoparietal Cortex in the Marmoset Investigated with Awake Resting-State fMRI, Yuki Hori, Justine C. Cléry, David J. Schaeffer, Ravi S. Menon, and Stefan Everling


Interspecies activation correlations reveal functional correspondences between marmoset and human brain areas, Yuki Hori, Justine C. Cléry, Janahan Selvanayagam, David J. Schaeffer, Kevin D. Johnston, Ravi S. Menon, and Stefan Everling


Reversed and increased functional connectivity in non-REM sleep suggests an altered rather than reduced state of consciousness relative to wake, Evan Houldin, Zhuo Fang, Laura B. Ray, Bobby Stojanoski, Adrian M. Owen, and Stuart M. Fogel


Cortical responses to the amplitude envelopes of sounds change with age, Vanessa C. Irsik, Ala Almanaseer, Ingrid S. Johnsrude, and Björn Herrmann


Evaluating Sequential Response Learning in the Rodent Operant Touchscreen System, Helena Janickova, Ornela Kljakic, Trevor W. Robbins, Lisa M. Saksida, Timothy J. Bussey, Vania F. Prado, and Marco A.M. Prado


Glutathione as a molecular marker of functional impairment in patients with at-risk mental state: 7-tesla1H-MRS study, Peter Jeon, Roberto Limongi, Sabrina D. Ford, Cassandra Branco, Michael Mackinley, Maya Gupta, Laura Powe, Jean Théberge, and Lena Palaniyappan


Glutathione as a molecular marker of functional impairment in patients with at-risk mental state: 7-tesla1H-MRS study, Peter Jeon, Roberto Limongi, Sabrina D. Ford, Cassandra Branco, Michael Mackinley, Maya Gupta, Laura Powe, Jean Théberge, and Lena Palaniyappan


nnResting state fMRI scanner instabilities revealed by longitud inal phantom scans in a multi-center study, Aras Kayvanrad, Stephen R. Arnott, Nathan Churchill, Stefanie Hassel, Aditi Chemparathy, Fan Dong, Mojdeh Zamyadi, Tom Gee, Robert Bartha, Sandra E. Black, Jane M. Lawrence-Dewar, Christopher J.M. Scott, Sean Symons, Andrew D. Davis, Geoffrey B. Hall, Jacqueline Harris, Nancy J. Lobaugh, Glenda MacQueen, Cindy Woo, and Stephen Strother


A priming study on naming real versus pictures of tools, Mutindi C. Kithu, Elizabeth J. Saccone, Sheila G. Crewther, Melvyn A. Goodale, and Philippe A. Chouinard


High-contrast, moving targets in an emerging target paradigm promote fast visuomotor responses during visually guided reaching, Rebecca A. Kozak and Brian D. Corneil


Assessment of treatment resistance criteria in non-invasive brain stimulation studies of schizophrenia, Jami Kronick, Priyadharshini Sabesan, Amer M. Burhan, and Lena Palaniyappan


Early adversity and positive parenting: Association with cognitive outcomes in children with autism spectrum disorder, Elizabeth Kuenzel, Diane Seguin, Robert Nicolson, and Emma G. Duerden


Kindergarteners' symbolic number abilities predict nonsymbolic number abilities and math achievement in grade 1, Nathan T. Lau, Rebecca Merkley, Paul Tremblay, Samuel Zhang, Stefanie De Jesus, and Daniel Ansari