"Quantitative tissue spectroscopy techniques for measuring cerebral per" by Mamadou Diop

Quantitative tissue spectroscopy techniques for measuring cerebral perfusion and metabolism

Document Type

Conference Proceeding

Publication Date



Optics InfoBase Conference Papers

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© OSA 2018. The brain constitutes 2% of the total body weight but accounts for 20% and 25% of total body basal oxygen and glucose consumption, respectively. As well, the brain has very limited energy storage; thus, it relies on adequate blood flow for oxygen and glucose delivery, and disruption in supply can has devastating effects on the brain. In this talk we'll present three pointof- care optical sensing techniques that can quantify cerebral perfusion and oxygen metabolism (i.e., cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen and oxygenation state of cytochrome c oxidase). We will describe the technologies (time-resolved spectroscopy, diffuse correlation spectroscopy, and hyperspectral continuous-wave near-infrared spectroscopy), the advanced algorithms we developed to analyze the optical data to convert them into physiological parameters, and some applications in animal models of brain injury and neonatal studies.

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