Submissions from 2013
The health and well-being of Indigenous drug and alcohol workers: Results from a national Australian survey, Ann M. Roche, Vinita Duraisingam, Allan Trifonoff, and Amanda Tovell
Submissions from 2012
This is not a guide to Indigenous research partnerships, Karen Adams and Shannon Faulkhead
Transcending Sovereignty: Locating Indigenous Peoples in Transboundary Water Law, Jennifer Lynne Archer
Who’s the boss? Post-colonialism, ecological research and conservation management on Australian Indigenous lands, Wayne Barbour and Christine Schelesinger
An Aboriginal parenting crisis, Lynn Barnett
Growth and Empowerment for Indigenous Australians in Substance Abuse Treatment, Stacey L. Berry, T. P. Crowe, F. P. Deane, M. Billingham, and Y. Bhagerutty
Preliminary development and content validity of a measure of Australian Aboriginal cultural engagement, Stacey L. Berry, Trevor P. Crowe, and Frank P. Deane
Cannabis use in Cape York Indigenous communities: High prevalence, mental health impacts and the desire to quit, India Bohanna and Alan R. Clough
‘It had to be my choice’ Indigenous smoking cessation and negotiations of risk, resistance and resilience, Chelsea Bond, Mark Brough, Geoffrey Spurling, and Noel Hayman
Risk and Protective Factors Associated with Gambling Consequences for Indigenous Australians in North Queensland, Helen M. Breen
Tourists' Perceptions of Aboriginal Heritage Souvenirs, Janet Chang, Geoffrey Wall, and Jul-Cheng (Richard) Hung
Strategies to improve health coverage and narrow the equity gap in child survival, health, and nutrition, Mickey Chopra
How and when health-care practitioners in Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Services deliver alcohol screening and brief intervention, and why they don’t: A qualitative study, Anton Clifford, Anthony Shakeshaft, and Catherine Deans
Sleep and academic performance in Indigenous Australian children from a remote community: An exploratory studyjpc_2059 122, Patrick Cooper, Mark Kohler, and Sarah Blunden
Do Indigenous Australians age prematurely? The implications of life expectancy and health conditions of older Indigenous people for health and aged care policy, Philippa R. Cotter, John R. Condon, Tony Barnes, Ian P.S. Anderson, Leonard R. Smith, and Teresa Cunningham
The first year counts: cancer survival among Indigenous and non-Indigenous Queenslanders, 1997–2006, Susanna M. Cramb, Gall Garvey, Patricia C. Valery, John D. Williamson, and Peter D. Baade
Children and adolescent exposure to alcohol advertising during Bathurst 1000, Sondra L. Davoren and Craig A. Sinclair
Indigenous Family Violence: An Attempt to Understand the Problems and Inform Appropriate and Effective Responses to Criminal Justice System Intervention, Andrew Day, Robin Jones, Martin Nakata, and Dennis McDermott
Mental Disorders and Communication of Intent to Die in Indigenous Suicide Cases, Queensland, Australia, Diego De Leo, Allison Milner, and Jerneja Sveticic
A bibliometric analysis of research on Indigenous health in Australia, 1972-2008, Gemma E. Derrick, Andrew Hayen, Simon Chapman, Abby S. Haynes, Berenika M. Webster, and Ian Anderson
Factors associated with continued solvent use in Indigenous petrol sniffers following treatmentdar_279 40, Kylie M. Dingwall, Paul Maruff, Alan R. Clough, and Sheree Cairney
Physical activity and screen time behaviour in metropolitan, regional and rural adolescents: A cross-sectional study of Australians aged 9–16 years, James Dollman, Carol Maher, Tim S. Olds, and Kate Ridley
Indigenous Métissage: a decolonizing research sensibility, Dwayne Donald
Housework Metaphor for Gambling Public Health Action: An Indigenous Perspective, Lorna Dyall, Zoe Hawke, Ruth Herd, and Papa Nahi
An intensive smoking intervention for pregnant Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander women: a randomised controlled trial, Sandra J. Eade, Rob W. Sanson-Fisher, Mark Wenitong, Katie Panaretto, Catherine D'Este, Conor Gilligan, and Jessica Stewart
Australian approaches for managing ‘country’ using Indigenous and non-Indigenous knowledge, Emilie J. Ens, Max Finlayson, Karissa Preuss, Sue Jackson, and Sarah Holcombe
Bridging the gap between theory and practice in climate change vulnerability assessments for remote Indigenous communities in northern Australia, Donna Green, Stephanie Niall, and Joe Morrison
Knowledge of an Aboriginal language and school outcomes for children and adults, Anne Guèvremont and Dafna E. Kohen
Poor food and nutrient intake among Indigenous and non-Indigenous rural Australian children, Josephine D. Gwynn, Victoria M. Flood, Catherine A. D'Este, John R. Attia, Nicole Turner, Janine Cochrane, Jimmy Chun-Yu Louie, and John H. Wiggers
Indigenous free prior informed consent: a case for self determination in World Heritage nomination processes, Robert James Hales, John Rynne, Cathy Howlett, Jay Devine, and Vivian Hauser
Management of type 2 diabetes, Susan Harch, David Reeve, and Carole Reeve
Prevalence of mental illness among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in Queensland prisons, Edward B. Hefferman
Situating the ‘beyond’: adventure- learning and Indigenous cultural competence, Barbara Hill and Jane Mills
Evaluation of a Culturally Adapted Training in Indigenous Mental Health and Wellbeing for the Alcohol and Other Drug Workforce, Racheal Hinton and Tricia Nagel
Decolonizing Indigenous disability in Australia, David Hollinsworth
Natural and Unnatural Disasters: Responding with Respect for Indigenous Rights and Knowledges, Richard Howitt, Olga Havnen, and Siri Veland
Psychosis in Indigenous populations of Cape York and the Torres Strait, Ernest M. Hunter, Bruce D. Gynther, Carrick J. Anderson, Leigh-ann L. Onnis, Jeffrey R. Nelson, Wayne Hall, Bernhard T. Baune, and Aaron R. Groves
Mental health of Indigenous Australians: a review of findings from community surveys, Anthony F. Jorm, Sarah J. Bourchier, Stefan Cvetkovski, and Gavin Stewart
Blunting the legacy of alcohol abuse in Western Australia, Tony Kirby
Kerin O’Dea: improving the health of Indigenous Australians, Tony Kirby
The quest for universal health coverage: achieving social protection for all in Mexico, Felicia Marie Knaul; Eduardo González-Pier; Octavio Gómez-Dantés; David García-Junco; Héctor Arreola-Ornelas; Mariana Barraza-Lloréns; Rosa Sandoval,; Francisco Caballero; Mauricio Hernández-Avila; Mercedes Juan; David Kershenobich; Gustavo Nigenda; Enrique Ruelas; Jaime Sepúlveda; Roberto Tapia; Guillermo Soberón; Salomón Chertorivski; and Julio Frenk
Growing Up Our Way : The First Year of Life in Remote Aboriginal Australia, Sue Kruske, Suzanne Belton, Molly Wardaguga, and Conceptual Narjic
A cross-sectional survey of prevalence and correlates of suicidal ideation and suicide attempts among prisoners in New South Wales, Australia, Sarah Larney, Libby Topp, Devon Indig, Colmán O'Driscoll, and David Greenberg
Metabolic Syndrome and Incident Coronary Heart Disease in Australian Indigenous Populations, Ming Li, Brad McCulloch, and Robyn McDermott
Aboriginal Fractions: Enumerating Identity in Taiwan, Jennifer A. Liu
Cultivating Aboriginal Cultures and Educating Aboriginal Children in Taiwan, Karen Liu and Li Tsung Wen Kuo
Physical Activity of Remote Indigenous Australian Women: A Postcolonial Analysis of Lifestyle, Doug Macdonald, Rebecca Abbott, and David Jenkins
Quality indicators of diabetes care: an example of remote-area Aboriginal primary health care over 10 years, Julia V. Marley, Carmel Nelson, Vicki O'Donnell, and David Atkinson
Conservation planning in a cross- cultural context: the Wunambal Gaambera Healthy Country Project in the Kimberley, Western Australia, Heather Moorcroft, Emma Ignjic, Stuart Cowell, John Goonack, Sylvester Mangolomara, Janet Oobagooma, Regina Karadada, Dianna Williams, and Neil Waina
Emplacement and Displacement: Perceiving the Landscape Through Aboriginal Australian Acrylic Painting, Fred Myers
Healthy lifestyle programs for physical activity and nutrition, N.A.
Effectiveness of the coping power program in a Mexican-American sample: distinctive cultural considerations, Susan L. O'Donnell, Diomaris E. Jurecska, and Robert Dyer
Heavy maternal alcohol consumption and cerebral palsy in the offspring, Colleen M. O'Leary, Linda Watson, Heather D'Antoine, Fiona Stanley, and Carol Bower
How to make climate change research relevant for Indigenous communities in Torres Strait, Australia, Claire O'Neill, Donna Green, and Willie Lui
Justice, culture and the political determinants of indigenous Australian health, Dominic O'Sullivan
Have the Health Gaps Between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australian Children Changed over Time? Results from an Australian National Representative Longitudinal Study, Lixin Ou, Jack Chen, and Kem Hillman
The role of assertive outreach in ending 'rough sleeping', Rhonda Phillips and Cameron Parsell
Using First Nations Children's Perceptions of Food and Activity to Inform an Obesity Prevention Strategy, Ashlee-Ann E. Pigford, Noreen D. Willows, Nicholas L. Holt, Amanda S. Newton, and Geoff D.C. Ball
Suicide in young men, Alexandra Pitman, Karolina Krysinska, and Michael King
‘Looking after country two-ways’: Insights into Indigenous community-based conservation from the Southern Tanami, Karissa Preuss and Madeline Dixon
Social and emotional outcomes of Australian children from Indigenous and culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds, Naomi Priest, Jennifer Baxter, and Linda Hayes
Promoting fit bodies, healthy eating and physical activity among Indigenous Australian men: a study protocol, Lina A. Ricciardelli, David Mellor, Marita P. McCabe, Alexander J. Mussap, David J. Hallford, and Matthew Tyler
Gender, Culture and Intervention: Exploring Differences between Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal Children’s Responses to an Early Intervention Programme, Gary W. Robinson, William B. Tyler, Sven R. Silburn, and Stephen R. Zubrick
‘I really want to make a difference for these kids but it’s just too hard’: one Aboriginal teacher’s experiences of moving away, moving on and moving up, Ninetta Santoro
Access to general practitioner services amongst underserved Australians: a microsimulation study, Deborah J. Schofield, Rupendra N. Shrestha, and Emily J. Callander
Socioeconomic disparities in physical health among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children in Western Australia, Carrington C.J. Sheperd, Jianghong Li, and Stephen R. Zubrick
Building Relationships with Aboriginal People: A Cultural Mapping Toolbox, (Brian) Jim Stewart and Julaine Allan
Aborigines, sport and suicide, Colin Tatz
National trends in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander smoking and quitting, 1994-2008, David Thomas
Effect of dialect on identification and severity of speech impairment in Indigenous Australian children, Bethany J. Toohill, Sharynne McLeod, and Jane McCormack
Canada curbs Aboriginal health leadership, Paul C. Webster
Addressing alcohol use in community sports clubs: attitudes of club representatives, Luke Wolfenden, Melanie Kingsland, Bosco Rowland, Vanessa Kennedy, and John Wiggers
Utilising Indigenous seasonal knowledge to understand aquatic resource use and inform water resource management in northern Australia, Emma Woodward, Sue Jackson, Marcus Finn, and Patricia Marrfurra McTaggart
Area-Based Differentials in Childhood Cancer Incidence in Australia, 1996–2006, Danny R. Youlden, Peter D. Baade, Patricia C. Valery, Timothy E. Hassall, Leisa J. Ward, Adele C. Green, and Joanne F. Aitken
Submissions from 2011
Illuminating the Lived Experiences of Research with Indigenous Communities, Catherine E. Burnette, Sara Sanders, Howard K. Butcher, and Emily Matt Salois
More than Wind: Evaluating Renewable Energy Opportunities for First Nations in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick, Diana Campbell
Strategic Plan for Aboriginal Corrections, Correctional Service Canada
What are the options? pricing and taxation policy reforms to redress excessive alcohol consumption and related harms in australia, Natacha Carragher and Jenny Chalmers
Health initiatives by Indigenous people in Australia, Stephanie Clark
Indigenous ways—fruits of our ancestors, Itamar Cohn and Ramat Hasharon
Indigenous Communities and Evidence Building, Holly Echo-Hawk
Cases and Materials on Federal Indian Law (6th Edition), David H. Getches, Charles F. Wilkinson, Robert A. Williams Jr., and Matthew L.M. Fletcher
Recidivism Risk Assessment for Aboriginal Males: A Brief Review of the Scientific Literature, Andrew J.R. Harris, Collette Cousineau, Caroline A. Pagé, Paul Sonnichsen, and Steven Varrette
Relationship to place: positioning Aboriginal knowledge and perspectives in classroom pedagogies, Neil Harrison and Maxine Greenfield
Empowering Indigenous peoples’ biocultural diversity through World Heritage cultural landscapes: a case study from the Australian humid tropical forests, Rosemary Hill, Leanne C. Cullen-Unsworth, Leah D. Talbot, and Susan McIntyre-Tamwoy
Both ways strong: using digital games to engage Aboriginal learners, Robyn Jorgensen and Tom Lowrie
Imaginary subjects: school science, indigenous students, and knowledge–power relations, Joanna Kidman, Eleanor Abrams, and Hiria McRae
Counting the cost: estimating the number of deaths among recently released prisoners in Australia, Stuart A. Kinner, David B. Preen, Azar Kariminia, Tony Butler, Jessica Y. Andrews, Mark Stoové, and Matthew Law
Using the commons to facilitate health communication, Anna Liebzeit, Karen Adams, and Mat Jakobi
Rethinking the “Best Interests” of the Child: Voices from Aboriginal Child and Family Welfare Practitioners, Maureen Long and Rene Sephton
Stigmatization as a Social Control Mechanism for Persons Living with HIV and AIDS, Judy E. Mill, Nancy Edwards, Randy C. Jackson, Lynne MacLean, and Jean Chaw-Kant
Aboriginal youth, hip hop and the politics of identification, George Morgan and Andrew Warren
New Zealand’s bold strategy for reducing health disparities, N.A.
Sharing Knowledge for a Better Future: Adaptation and Clean Energy Experiences in a Changing Climate, N.A.
A critical review of Aboriginal education in Canada: Eurocentric dominance impact and everyday denial, Erica Neeganagwedgin
A Consideration of Theory, Principles and Practice in Collaborative Archaeology, George P. Nicholas, Amy Roberts, David M. Schaepe, Joe Watkins, Lyn Leader-Elliot, and Susan Rowley