Applied Mathematics Publications


Researchers in Applied Mathematics are active in the traditional areas of applied mathematics as well as in new, rapidly developing fields. Areas of applications include scientific computing, computer algebra, theoretical biology, materials physics, dynamical systems, and theoretical high-energy physics.

Visit the Applied Mathematics Research website for additional information.


Submissions from 2007


Erythropoietin Improves Skeletal Muscle Microcirculation and Tissue Bioenergetics in a Mouse Sepsis Model, Raymond Kao, Anargyros Xenocostas, Tao Rui, Pei Yu, Weixiong Huang, James Rose, and Claudio M. Martin

Submissions from 2006


Development of an Unbiased Statistical Method for the Analysis of Unigenic Evolution, Colleen D. Behrsin, Chris J. Brandl, David W. Litchfield, Brian H. Shilton, and Lindi M. Wahl


The Gravitational Wave Pulsar Signal with Jovian and Lunar Perturbations and Orbital Eccentricity Corrections, S. R. Valluri, F. A. Chrishtie, and Adam Vajda


A Study of the Gravitational Wave Pulsar Signal with Orbital and Spindown Effects, S. R. Valluri, K. M. Rao, and F. A. Chishtie

Submissions from 2005


Assessing a Numerical Cellular Braided-stream Model with a Physical Model, Andrea B. Doeschl-Wilson and Peter E. Ashmore


An Extension of the Pais Variational Phase Shift Approximation, W. J. Romo and S. R. Valluri


An Extension of Newton's Apsidal Precession Theorem, S. R. Valluri, P. Yu, G. E. Smith, and P. A. Wiegert

Submissions from 2004


A Study of the de Broglie Gravitational Waves, Antonio Feoli and Sree Ram Valluri


Gravitational Effects from Earthquakes, T. J. Hayes, S. R. Valluri, and L. Mansinha


A Numerical Method for One-dimensional Action Functionals of Photonic Band-gap Structures, F. Xie, G. Reid, and S. R. Valluri

Submissions from 2002


QED Effective Action Revisited, U. D. Jentschura, H. Gies, S. R. Valluri, D. R. Lamm, and E. J. Weniger


Comment on “A Convergent Series for the QED Effective Action”, D. R. Lamm, S. R. Valluri, U. D. Jentschura, and E. J. Weniger


A Study of the Gravitational Wave Form from Pulsars, S. R. Valluri, J. J. Drozd, F. A. Chishtie, R. G. Biggs, M. Davison, Sanjeev V. Dhurandhar, and B. S. Sathyaprakash

Submissions from 2000


Some Applications of the Lambert W Function to Physics, S. R. Valluri, D. J. Jeffrey, and R. M. Corless

Submissions from 1992


Well... It Isn't Quite That Simple, Robert Corless and David Jeffrey