Applied Mathematics Publications
Researchers in Applied Mathematics are active in the traditional areas of applied mathematics as well as in new, rapidly developing fields. Areas of applications include scientific computing, computer algebra, theoretical biology, materials physics, dynamical systems, and theoretical high-energy physics.
Visit the Applied Mathematics Research website for additional information.
Submissions from 2023
Pillars of Biology: 'The genetical evolution of social behaviour, I and II'., Geoff Wild
Submissions from 2022
Compact Cubic Splines, Robert M. Corless and Leili Rafiee Sevyeri
Submissions from 2017
Evolution of delayed dispersal and subsequent emergence of helping, with implications for cooperative breeding., Geoff Wild and Judith Korb
Submissions from 2015
Sex allocation and the emergence of helping in cooperatively breeding species., Josh D Dunn, Teodora Vujicic, and Geoff Wild
Submissions from 2011
HIV Epidemic in Far-Western Nepal: Effect of Seasonal Labor Migration to India, Naveen Vaidya and Jianhong Wu
Submissions from 2010
Roles of Electrostatics and Conformation in Protein-Crystal Interactions, Paul V. Azzopardi, Jason O'Young, Gilles Lajoie, Mikko Karttunen, Harvey A. Goldberg, and Graeme K. Hunter
Phosphorylation of Ser136 Is Critical for Potent Bone Sialoprotein-mediated Nucleation of Hydroxyapatite Crystals, Gurpreet S. Baht, Jason O'Young, Antonia Borovina, Hong Chen, Coralee E. Tye, Mikko Karttunen, Gilles A. Lajoie, Graeme K. Hunter, and Harvey A. Goldberg
Identifying and Seeing beyond Multiple Sequence Alignment Errors Using Intra-Molecular Protein Covariation, Russell J. Dickson, Lindi M. Wahl, Andrew D. Fernandes, and Gregory B. Gloor
Mutual Information Is Critically Dependent on Prior Assumptions: Would the Correct Estimate of Mutual Information Please Identify Itself?, Andrew D. Fernandes and Gregory B. Gloor
Estimating the Evidence of Selection and the Reliability of Inference in Unigenic Evolution, Andrew D. Fernandes, Benjamin P. Kleinstiver, David R. Edgell, Lindi M. Wahl, and Gregory B. Gloor
Microbiome Profiling by Illumina Sequencing of Combinatorial Sequence-Tagged PCR Products, Gregory B. Gloor, Ruben Hummelen, Jean M. Macklaim, Russell J. Dickson, Andrew D. Fernandes, Roderick MacPhee, and Gregor Reid
Deep Sequencing of the Vaginal Microbiota of Women with HIV, Ruben Hummelen, Andrew D. Fernandes, Jean M. Macklaim, Russell J. Dickson, John Changalucha, Gregory B. Gloor, and Gregor Reid
A Unified Genetic, Computational and Experimental Framework Identifies Functionally Relevant Residues of the Homing Endonuclease I-BmoI, Benjamin P. Kleinstiver, Andrew D. Fernandes, Gregory B. Gloor, and David R. Edgell
The Carter Constant for Inclined Orbits about a Massive Kerr Black Hole: I. Circular Orbits, Peter G. Komorowski, Sree Ram Valluri, and Martin Houde
Side-by-Side Comparison of Five Commercial Media Systems in a Mouse Model: Suboptimal In Vitro Culture Interferes with Imprint Maintenance, B. A. Market-Velker, A. D. Fernandes, and M. R. W. Mann
D-dimensional Bose Gases and the Lambert W Function, J. Tanguay, M. Gil, D. J. Jeffrey, and S. R. Valluri
Submissions from 2009
Creating a Warmer Environment for Women in the Mathematical Sciences and in Philosophy, Samantha Brennan and Rob Corless
A Study of Elliptical Last Stable Orbits about a Massive Kerr Black Hole, P. G. Komorowski, S. R. Valluri, and M. Houde
Phosphorylation of Osteopontin Peptides Mediates Adsorption to and Incorporation into Calcium Oxalate Crystals, Jason O'Young, Sara Chirico, Nehal Al Tarhuni, Bernd Grohe, Mikko Karttunen, Harvey A. Goldberg, and Graeme K. Hunter
The Lambert W Function and Quantum Statistics, Sree Ram Valluri, M. Gil, D. J. Jeffrey, and Shantanu Basu
Reconciling conflicting clinical studies of antioxidant supplementation as HIV therapy: a mathematical approach., Rolina D van Gaalen and Lindi M Wahl
Submissions from 2008
Investigation of Uniform Expansions of Large Order Bessel Functions in Gravitational Wave Signals, F. Chrishtie, K. Rao, I. Kotsireas, and S. R. Valluri
The SWI/SNF Protein ATRX Co-regulates Pseudoautosomal Genes that Have Translocated to Autosomes in the Mouse Genome, Michael A. Levy, Andrew D. Fernandes, Deanna C. Tremblay, Claudia Seah, and Nathalie G. Bérubé
Gravitational Wave Signal Templates, Pattern Recognition, and Reciprocal Eulerian Gamma Functions, Marc Eric Normandin, Adam Vajda, and Sree Ram Valluri
Chebyshev Derived Spindown Parameters for Gravitational Wave Signals from Pulsars, S. R. Valluri and M. D. Fried