Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




culturally-sustaining assessment and evaluation (CSAE), performance/project-based assessment tasks (PBATs), assessment and evaluation (AE), partner group engagement, professional learning communities (PLCs), Kotter’s 8-step change model


Traditional assessment and evaluation (AE) practices do not enable equitable learning experiences, outcomes, or opportunities for all students, nor do they reflect coherence with the redesigned provincial curriculum. This Dissertation-in-Practice (DiP) details change action focused on addressing this problem of practice (PoP): the lack of coherence between curricular intentions and AE practices at BC Middle School (BCMS, a pseudonym). The DiP details past school improvement efforts to shift away from letter-grade/percentage driven AE towards assessment of learning using competency-based proficiency language as well as themes that emerged requiring further attention: a lack of Indigenous partner group voices in shaping change at BCMS, and a further need to embed culturally sustaining assessment and evaluation (CSAE) practices into the AE culture of the school. In considering possible solutions, a professional learning community (PLC) framework involving all partner groups is proposed with the aim of developing project/performance-based assessment tasks (PBATs) as a model for progressing toward our CSAE goal. Applying Kotter’s (2012) 8-step change model, a change implementation plan (CIP) is discussed, detailing the proposed change action sequence, emphasizing iterative and dynamic change cycles with key progress indicators, a plan for knowledge mobilization, and potential next steps and future considerations for organizational improvement beyond the school. Prioritizing collaborative engagement with partner groups, this DiP underscores the necessity of intentioned, ongoing action focused on decolonizing educational paradigms and ensuring equitable learning opportunities for Indigenous students.
