Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




professional development, culture, silos, problem of practice, multiple campuses, transformational leadership


This Organizational Improvement Plan (OIP) has outlined the change plan for a problem of practice for consideration of the education mandate at MY-U’s multiple regional campuses. The overall goal of this plan is to have increased the availability of academically rigorous courses for our regional students. An assessment of the readiness of several stakeholders allowed for a student-centred focus within the political, collegial and organized anarchy paradigms in which the university organization exists. A strategy is discussed to address issues in the administration and university culture while breaking down silos for the multiple campuses. A new organizational framework is offered with students, faculty members and deans in the centre focus while being supported by multiple campus groups. Regional provision of courses is a complex problem and has many external stakeholders involved such as local communities, First Nation’s governments, federal and provincial governments. A new overall transformational leadership model is designed specifically for this institution and incorporates generalized Indigenous ways of knowing. The creation of a professional development education initiative to apprise faculty members about blended learning pedagogy is the preferred solution of the problem of practice due within my sphere of influence. The initiative titled Reach for the North will be piloted then expanded to incorporate more faculty members and programs. This could begin the necessary culture shift to provide better methods of academically rigorous programs for blended education to all students in the north.
