Date of Submission


Document Type



Doctor of Education




Leadership, Nursing Student, Resiliency, Nursing Faculty, Post-Secondary Education, Organizational Change


In nursing programs, it is common for students to not complete their degree (Van Hoek et al., 2019). This problem is perpetuated as students who experience high stress and lack resiliency are more likely to be unsuccessful or take longer to complete their nursing degree (Van Hoek et al., 2019). Resiliency is not only important for students during their degree, it is essential to continuously strengthen it throughout their nursing career (Turner & Kaylor, 2015). The aims of this organizational improvement plan will be to empower nursing students to be more resilient in the clinical setting so that they are more likely to be successful in their school endeavors as well as their nursing careers. The problem of practice that will be addressed is the lack of resiliency in nursing students in the clinical setting in one Western Canada comprehensive college. In attempt to enhance resiliency in all nursing students a critical perspective served as the foundational theoretical framework for this organizational improvement plan. The problem of practice was explored through servant, transformational, and adaptive leadership approaches. To address the problem of practice, Kotter’s Eight Stage Change Model (2012) was the framework used for leading the change process and Nadler and Tushman’s Congruence Model (1980) was utilized as the critical organizational analysis.Through developing a professional learning community among nursing faculty to help develop and include resiliency building strategies in the nursing curriculum, it is proposed that students will adapt strategies that help them foster resilience and be able to continuously strengthen resiliency throughout their nursing careers.
