GIS Day 2015

Wednesday, November 18

1:00 pmRefreshments
1:15 pmOpening Remarks
1:30 pm - 2:30 pmLightning Talks
Chris Smart
Glacier change using differential LIDAR and radio echo sounding
Hongyu Zhang
The effect of proximity to light rail transit on dwelling values in Kitchener-Waterloo
Sarah Peirce
Image-based analysis of bedload transport in gravel-bed rivers
Matilde Welber and Danielle Barr
Sediment mapping on Wilket Creek, Toronto
Tom Belton
Using mapping software to access archival resources
Christy Caudill
Investigating the martian subsurface with GIS
2:30 pm - 3:00 pmRefreshments
3:00 pm - 3:30 pmPoster Competition
Moeen Butt
A pace too brisk, a span too wide? Firm geographic growth and its impact on performance
Amber Albert
Using multi criteria decision analysis to inform shoreline management in in Bkejwanong First Nation
Alexandros Glaros
Are pitcher plant mosquitos (Wyeomyia smithii) using wind to disperse?: Analyzing dispersal through wind and genetic relationships
Heather Peacock
Conservation planning and prioritization for the highly endangered Lemurs of Madagascar
Interactive Activities
Augmented Reality
View dynamic maps and aerial imagery using the augmented reality app Aurasma.
Map Origami
Learn how to fold two origami models, a cube and a triangular box, using map paper.
Mobile GIS
Joe Smrekar from the Department of Geography will demonstrate mobile GIS applications using tablets and the Collector for ArcGIS app.
3:30Prize Draw

Browse the contents of 2015: