"Digital Locks, Real Freedoms: Technological Protection Measures in Bil" by Thomas P. Margoni


Digital Locks, Real Freedoms: Technological Protection Measures in Bill C-32

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Dr. Thomas Margoni analyzes modifications in Bill C-32 that would most directly affect digital media. Particular attention is given to the implementation of the so-called Technological Protection Measures (TPMs) and Rights Management Information (RMI), and how they will affect fair dealing provisions. He further analyzes whether, beyond the international requirements, Canada (as many other countries) really needs protection for digital locks, which in many cases turns out to be a "private system" of justice. Contract-based alternatives that favour Access to Knowledge (A2K) and wider dissemination of culture (such as Creative Commons and Free/Libre Open Source Software licences) are explored.


This is the video of a public lecture (Technological Protection Measures in Bill C-32: What Is Their Impact on Access to Knowledge?) that took place at The University of Western Ontario on Nov. 3, 2010. Dr. Thomas Margoni's presentation slides are also available online.

Streaming Media
