The present times, and with them the new historiography in early modern philosophy (EMP), show us that EMP was a more complex period, with many more elements to take into consideration than some classical studies, and histories of philosophy, have shown. This implies the necessity to stress the importance of having a broader and deeper perspective than the traditional one when we study that philosophical period. This new understanding of EMP carries on new challenges in the current approaches to it, and all of them include the necessity of being more inclusive and open to other voices, outlooks, and realms of knowledge. In this sense, the Mexico-Canada Early Modern Conference intends to promote a dialogue between the philosophical community of both countries, Mexico and Canada, to create bridges between scholars from apparently two different traditions, that of the
English speaking world and that of the Spanish speaking one. During the two days of the Conference we expect that scholars share their researchers and knowledge on key figures of the EMP, but also their comments, suggestions, inquiries, and doubts about different approaches and methodologies, if there are, to authors and topics of EMP between the two traditions. Thus, this Conference tries to be an opportunity to know different views of the ‘traditional’ topics and authors from scholars who frequently work in its language and consume its linguistic tradition. For doing so, the Mexico-Canada Early Modern Conference has invited distinguished scholars from both countries whose researchers focus on well-known authors of the period, like Descartes, Gassendi, Spinoza, or Leibniz, and classic topics of epistemology, ontology, and metaphysics in EMP. We expect to have a very fruitful dialogue!
Dr. Benjamin Hill (Western)
Alberto Luis (UNAM/Western)
All Sessions in the Same Zoom Room
Zoom ID: 994 4278 7789
Zoom Passcode: 055925