Paper Abstract

In this paper I present a novel view of the ontological status of possible objects for Descartes. Specifically, I claim that possible objects just are innate ideas considered objectively. In the act of creation, God creates possibilities—in all its richness—in the form of innate ideas. Thus, in acts of thinking, one may clearly and distinctly perceive, via one’s innate ideas, that such and such is possible. To argue this, I first analyze and critique two competing views—one from Calvin Normore who claims that innate ideas represent an independent realm of possibilia, and another from David Cunning and Alan Nelson who claim that Descartes had no theory of modality. I then move on to the defense of my view, both giving a positive account of my argument and noting how my interpretation enjoys certain advantages over my interlocutors.


© 2020. Daniel Stermer. © 2020. Marc Bobro. These materials are presented under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International copyright license (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0). Creative Commons License
Although open access is provided for these materials, please be mindful that they were originally prepared as oral presentations for traditional conference formats and that the authors may be presenting work-in-progress, even works in early stages of development, and they may not have all the kinks smoothed out yet. Before quoting from this material, we encourage you to check whether a published version supersedes this material or whether the author has a preferred version for you to quote from. Authors' ORCID iDs are available above to facilitate this for you.

Start Date

4-6-2020 9:00 AM

Time Zone

Pacific Daylight Time

End Date

4-6-2020 9:55 AM


Descartes, modality, possibility, ideas


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Jun 4th, 9:00 AM Jun 4th, 9:55 AM

Cancelled - The Ontological Status of Cartesian Possibilia

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In this paper I present a novel view of the ontological status of possible objects for Descartes. Specifically, I claim that possible objects just are innate ideas considered objectively. In the act of creation, God creates possibilities—in all its richness—in the form of innate ideas. Thus, in acts of thinking, one may clearly and distinctly perceive, via one’s innate ideas, that such and such is possible. To argue this, I first analyze and critique two competing views—one from Calvin Normore who claims that innate ideas represent an independent realm of possibilia, and another from David Cunning and Alan Nelson who claim that Descartes had no theory of modality. I then move on to the defense of my view, both giving a positive account of my argument and noting how my interpretation enjoys certain advantages over my interlocutors.