Lecture capture: Has the future finally arrived?

Session Type



P&A 150

Start Date

5-7-2017 1:45 PM


lecture capture, miniquiz, D2L

Primary Threads

Education Technologies and Innovative Resources


Though lecture capture has been feasible for some years, it seemed to this presenter as having been a major commitment of time and effort. This year, Lecture Capture through Desire-to-Learn (D2L) was installed at my campus and I chose to use the system. My presentation, then, will review my practical experiences with the system, the incorporation of mini-quizzes, and the responses of the students to the availability of lecture capture.

Elements of Engagement

Discussion about the experiences of others with lecture capture.

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Jul 5th, 1:45 PM

Lecture capture: Has the future finally arrived?

P&A 150

Though lecture capture has been feasible for some years, it seemed to this presenter as having been a major commitment of time and effort. This year, Lecture Capture through Desire-to-Learn (D2L) was installed at my campus and I chose to use the system. My presentation, then, will review my practical experiences with the system, the incorporation of mini-quizzes, and the responses of the students to the availability of lecture capture.