Scholarship@Western - The Western Conference on Science Education: Creating sustainable and scalable High Impact Experiences: Don't forget the faculty

Creating sustainable and scalable High Impact Experiences: Don't forget the faculty

Author #1


The literature on high impact learning experiences, such as undergraduate research and study abroad programs, tends to focus on the opportunity for students to have transformational experiences and develop career-relevant skills in critical thinking, a global perspective, collaboration, and communication. Developing and offering a high impact experience can feel quite daunting for faculty who feel the experience comes will come at the expense of their research, particularly when it is not clear how these experiences are also to their benefit. The purpose of this talk is to use personal examples of offering undergraduate research and study abroad programs to describe how high impact experiences do not come at the expense of faculty research, and can lead to interesting and unexpected professional and personal growth opportunities for faculty.

Jul 5th, 1:45 PM

Creating sustainable and scalable High Impact Experiences: Don't forget the faculty

P&A 150

The literature on high impact learning experiences, such as undergraduate research and study abroad programs, tends to focus on the opportunity for students to have transformational experiences and develop career-relevant skills in critical thinking, a global perspective, collaboration, and communication. Developing and offering a high impact experience can feel quite daunting for faculty who feel the experience comes will come at the expense of their research, particularly when it is not clear how these experiences are also to their benefit. The purpose of this talk is to use personal examples of offering undergraduate research and study abroad programs to describe how high impact experiences do not come at the expense of faculty research, and can lead to interesting and unexpected professional and personal growth opportunities for faculty.