Supporting undergraduate science writers through incorporation of an online writing resource into a 3rd-year undergraduate course

Author #1

Abstract is an online writing resource that supports writers by directing and assessing their learning. This website provides writing instruction for four important academic writing genres: case reports, lab reports, literature reviews, and reflective writing. The lab report module of was incorporated into a 3rd-year undergraduate lab-based course to support in-class writing instruction and to enhance student understanding of the elements of effective scientific writing.

Using a 30-minute presentation, will be introduced to attendees and strategies utilized for the incorporation of the resource into the 3rd-year undergraduate course will be presented. In addition, student feedback about the website and student views regarding the effectiveness of the laboratory report module in providing writing support will also be presented.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to….

  1. Navigate effectively
  2. Incorporate into their own teaching practice

Jul 7th, 11:25 AM

Supporting undergraduate science writers through incorporation of an online writing resource into a 3rd-year undergraduate course

P&A 150 is an online writing resource that supports writers by directing and assessing their learning. This website provides writing instruction for four important academic writing genres: case reports, lab reports, literature reviews, and reflective writing. The lab report module of was incorporated into a 3rd-year undergraduate lab-based course to support in-class writing instruction and to enhance student understanding of the elements of effective scientific writing.

Using a 30-minute presentation, will be introduced to attendees and strategies utilized for the incorporation of the resource into the 3rd-year undergraduate course will be presented. In addition, student feedback about the website and student views regarding the effectiveness of the laboratory report module in providing writing support will also be presented.

By the end of this session, participants will be able to….

  1. Navigate effectively
  2. Incorporate into their own teaching practice