Proposal Title

Chemistry Outreach going north: Inuit Chemistry student coming south

Session Type



FNB 1220

Start Date

4-7-2019 1:00 PM


indigenous culture, outreach, chemistry

Primary Threads

None of the Above


Northern Canada is a different world. In this presentation, a chemistry instructor will first give the perspective of a “southerner” who experienced the eye-opening culture-change experience of taking Chemistry Outreach to Nunatsiavut (and to Nunavut). Then a young woman Inuk, who has lived the Inuit life, will describe the challenges for her in travelling south to become a science student away from her culturally-rich society to a small, but very isolating, university environment.

Elements of Engagement

Discussion on challenges of attracting indigenous students to science programs at university and making faculty culturally aware.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

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Jul 4th, 1:00 PM

Chemistry Outreach going north: Inuit Chemistry student coming south

FNB 1220

Northern Canada is a different world. In this presentation, a chemistry instructor will first give the perspective of a “southerner” who experienced the eye-opening culture-change experience of taking Chemistry Outreach to Nunatsiavut (and to Nunavut). Then a young woman Inuk, who has lived the Inuit life, will describe the challenges for her in travelling south to become a science student away from her culturally-rich society to a small, but very isolating, university environment.