Proposal Title

Leading departmentally-based change initiatives: The Science Education Initiative Handbook

Session Type

Digital Poster


FNB 2210

Start Date

4-7-2019 2:30 PM


institutional change, research-based instructional practices, faculty development

Primary Threads

Teaching and Learning Science


Educational change efforts focused at the department level can be powerful. Positive outcomes, however, are not automatic. In this poster, we share some of the big lessons learned from the Science Education Initiatives founded by Carl Wieman at the University of British Columbia and University of Colorado Boulder, which centered on department-based Discipline-Based Education Specialists (DBESs), disciplinary experts with training in the science of teaching and learning who served as catalysts in transforming undergraduate science and math education by supporting a shift to research-informed teaching practices. The design, stories, and outcomes of the SEIs are described in detail in Wieman’s 2017 book, Improving How Universities Teach Science, while we have compiled recommendations and resources into the complementary SEI Handbook, an open resource that is available for reading and download at

This poster offers a high-level summary of the Handbook and its recommendations for its three main audiences: initiative leaders who pull together and oversee project activities in the department; departmental leaders who plan the work, engage with colleagues, and supervise the DBESs; and the DBESs themselves, who are agents of change as department-based educational developers. As such, this work will be of value to anyone interested in collective efforts to transform teaching at their institution.

Chasteen, S. V., and Code, W. J. (2018). The Science Education Initiative Handbook. Accessed at

Wieman, C. E. (2017). Improving how universities teach science: lessons from the Science Education Initiative. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.

Elements of Engagement

I am choosing the poster session as it allows deep engagement in the conversations that arise from people visiting the poster. Our project is intended for multiple audiences (people at different levels of the change effort) and we have tried to include sections in the poster for each of them.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

This document is currently not available here.


Jul 4th, 2:30 PM

Leading departmentally-based change initiatives: The Science Education Initiative Handbook

FNB 2210

Educational change efforts focused at the department level can be powerful. Positive outcomes, however, are not automatic. In this poster, we share some of the big lessons learned from the Science Education Initiatives founded by Carl Wieman at the University of British Columbia and University of Colorado Boulder, which centered on department-based Discipline-Based Education Specialists (DBESs), disciplinary experts with training in the science of teaching and learning who served as catalysts in transforming undergraduate science and math education by supporting a shift to research-informed teaching practices. The design, stories, and outcomes of the SEIs are described in detail in Wieman’s 2017 book, Improving How Universities Teach Science, while we have compiled recommendations and resources into the complementary SEI Handbook, an open resource that is available for reading and download at

This poster offers a high-level summary of the Handbook and its recommendations for its three main audiences: initiative leaders who pull together and oversee project activities in the department; departmental leaders who plan the work, engage with colleagues, and supervise the DBESs; and the DBESs themselves, who are agents of change as department-based educational developers. As such, this work will be of value to anyone interested in collective efforts to transform teaching at their institution.

Chasteen, S. V., and Code, W. J. (2018). The Science Education Initiative Handbook. Accessed at

Wieman, C. E. (2017). Improving how universities teach science: lessons from the Science Education Initiative. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.