Science - Biology
Supervisor Name
Greg Thorn
Mushroom, Phylogenetics, Fungi, Hohenbuehelia, Phylogenetic Tree, RAxML, Supermatrix
A multigene phylogenetic study of mushroom genus Hohenbuehelia. Four gene loci (ITS, LSU, Tef1, RPB2) were examined, sequence data collected and available Genbank data was concatenated into a supermatrix alignment, with a RAxML phylogenetic tree as output.
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
Document Type
Multigene phylogeny of mushroom genus Hohenbuehelia (Fungi = Pleurotaceae)
A multigene phylogenetic study of mushroom genus Hohenbuehelia. Four gene loci (ITS, LSU, Tef1, RPB2) were examined, sequence data collected and available Genbank data was concatenated into a supermatrix alignment, with a RAxML phylogenetic tree as output.