Student Information

Siwen ChenFollow



Supervisor Name

Lars Stentoft


risk management, credit risk


Since 2008, businesses and banks must manage and track more risk than ever before. Financial risk management helps companies and banks decrease the risk of investment and trade. Additionally, financial risk management gives a guide on how to forecast and manage the risk efficiently. More specifically, the three major risks are market risk, credit risk, and operational risk. This report will focus on the credit risk: introducing the definition of credit risk, single factor model, the relationship between coefficient and default probability, and the relationship of m coefficient and default probability. Using the single factor model, we will extend the definition and application to the double factor model. Furthermore, the coding will be provided.


Firstly, I would like to thank Dr. Stentoft, he is a nice guy that guided me to find a way to research on credit risk. Secondly, I am very grateful with my wife, she encouraged me and supported me through this summer. In the end, I hope everyone will enjoy this report and may be interested in risk management.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

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Analysis of Credit Risk and Single / Two Factor Model

Since 2008, businesses and banks must manage and track more risk than ever before. Financial risk management helps companies and banks decrease the risk of investment and trade. Additionally, financial risk management gives a guide on how to forecast and manage the risk efficiently. More specifically, the three major risks are market risk, credit risk, and operational risk. This report will focus on the credit risk: introducing the definition of credit risk, single factor model, the relationship between coefficient and default probability, and the relationship of m coefficient and default probability. Using the single factor model, we will extend the definition and application to the double factor model. Furthermore, the coding will be provided.


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