Health Sciences
Supervisor Name
Trish Tucker
Physical activity, fundamental movement skills, capacity building, training, teachers
Generalist teachers and early childhood educators (ECEs) play an important role in promoting physical activity and fundamental movement skills in children. However, teachers face several barriers to promoting physical activity and fundamental movement skills including inadequate training and professional development. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the efficacy of capacity building interventions on teachers’ and ECEs’ physical activity and fundamental movement skills related knowledge, self-efficacy and attitudes.
The search revealed 22 studies which reported on 25 unique samples. The most common capacity building intervention component implemented was training/professional development. The results of this study revealed that capacity building interventions are efficacious at improving teachers’ and ECEs’ physical activity related self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitudes. Pre-service teachers and ECEs should be provided training in physical activity and FMS as part of their degrees, and continual professional development and capacity building should be offered to in-service teachers and ECEs to promote physical activity and FMS in children.
Thank you to Dr. Trish Tucker, the Western USRI program, and the Faculty of Health Sciences for their support.
Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
Document Type
Effect of Capacity Building Interventions on Classroom Teacher and Early Childhood Educator Physical Activity and Fundamental Movement Skills Related Self-efficacy, Knowledge, and Attitudes: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Generalist teachers and early childhood educators (ECEs) play an important role in promoting physical activity and fundamental movement skills in children. However, teachers face several barriers to promoting physical activity and fundamental movement skills including inadequate training and professional development. Therefore, this study aimed to determine the efficacy of capacity building interventions on teachers’ and ECEs’ physical activity and fundamental movement skills related knowledge, self-efficacy and attitudes.
The search revealed 22 studies which reported on 25 unique samples. The most common capacity building intervention component implemented was training/professional development. The results of this study revealed that capacity building interventions are efficacious at improving teachers’ and ECEs’ physical activity related self-efficacy, knowledge, and attitudes. Pre-service teachers and ECEs should be provided training in physical activity and FMS as part of their degrees, and continual professional development and capacity building should be offered to in-service teachers and ECEs to promote physical activity and FMS in children.