Student Information

Sara A. BozzoFollow


Health Sciences

Supervisor Name

Eva Pila


weight-inclusive, physical activity, weight stigma, environmental scan, body image


This summer, alongside another USRI student, I began to further explore weight-inclusive physical activity. This approach to movement emphasizes that health and well-being can be achieved by anyone, regardless of their size, if provided with accessible, non-stigmatizing environments and support. Though this approach has increased in prevalence over the years, little is known about the application of weight-inclusive approaches in real-world contexts. Using an environmental scan protocol, this study will aim to examine the breadth of online weight-inclusive resources and services within grey literature (internet, social media, experts); synthesize and evaluate the content within identified materials; and discover gaps in the environment. To our knowledge, this will be the first environmental scan of physical activity resources and services that have adopted, or been informed by, the weight-inclusive approach.


I would like to extend a special thank you to my supervisor Dr. Eva Pila and the entire BIH lab for their incredible support this summer and providing me with a wonderful experience overall. I would also like to thank Western University for this USRI opportunity, this program allowed me to gain an extensive amount of research knowledge.

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Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

Document Type




An Environmental Scan of Weight-Inclusive Resources

This summer, alongside another USRI student, I began to further explore weight-inclusive physical activity. This approach to movement emphasizes that health and well-being can be achieved by anyone, regardless of their size, if provided with accessible, non-stigmatizing environments and support. Though this approach has increased in prevalence over the years, little is known about the application of weight-inclusive approaches in real-world contexts. Using an environmental scan protocol, this study will aim to examine the breadth of online weight-inclusive resources and services within grey literature (internet, social media, experts); synthesize and evaluate the content within identified materials; and discover gaps in the environment. To our knowledge, this will be the first environmental scan of physical activity resources and services that have adopted, or been informed by, the weight-inclusive approach.


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