Scholarship@Western - Undergraduate Student Research Internships Conference: TCA Fabrication Devices



Supervisor Name

Ana Luisa Trejos


TCA, Actuator, Twisted Coil Actuator


Twisted coil actuators are a recent technology that has different properties from popular actuators used today. Being so new, there is still much to learn about these actuators. This project aims to create devices that can be used to make the fabrication process simple and repeatable.


Thank you to Dr. Ana Luisa Trejos, Alex Lizotte, and the Western USRI program for their support.

Creative Commons License

Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 License

Document Type




TCA Fabrication Devices

Twisted coil actuators are a recent technology that has different properties from popular actuators used today. Being so new, there is still much to learn about these actuators. This project aims to create devices that can be used to make the fabrication process simple and repeatable.